10 Health Benefits Of Eggplant

Eggplants benefit you in many ways. They are low in calories, making them ideal if you want to lose weight. In addition, they promote circulation and are a great antioxidant.
10 health benefits of eggplant

The health benefits of eggplant are many. Due to the high water content, eggplants are low in calories. This makes them the ideal vegetable in a weight loss diet. They also improve your circulation and are an excellent antioxidant.

In today’s article, we want to tell you some of the most important things you should know about eggplants. And we’ll get into why you should add them to your diet.

The Amazing Health Benefits of Eggplant

They protect your cardiovascular system

Because this vegetable contains so much potassium, it helps to maintain a stable heart rhythm. Eggplants also contain flavonoids, which reduce the level of bad cholesterol and stimulate the increase of good cholesterol.

Both properties are very important to reduce the risk of heart disease.

They fight free radicals

Eggplants fight free radicals

Since eggplants are an excellent antioxidant, they are a great way to fight free radicals. They protect your cells by delaying the aging process. 

In addition, they act as a cleansing agent, allowing the elimination of large amounts of toxins.

They improve your brain function

The phytonutrients in eggplant are beneficial for your cognitive system and mental health. They remove toxins from your brain and stimulate blood flow to the brain. This improves your memory and your analytical capacity.

One of the health benefits of eggplant is that they help you lose weight

Eggplants help you lose weight

Eggplants contain a lot of soluble fiber, which is helpful for balancing your digestive system.

They are low in calories and, as we mentioned above, are mostly made up of water. As a result, they give a feeling of satiety: you feel full for longer.

They prevent anemia

One of the main causes of anemia is an iron deficiency in the blood. The iron found in eggplants is more than enough to prevent and treat anemia.

Similarly, iron plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells, which help to metabolize proteins.

They improve your vision

Eggplants contain anthocyanin; a soluble compound that helps to strengthen the central nervous system. Therefore, they are recommended to maintain good vision and prevent the formation of cataracts.

Eggplants improve bone health

Eggplants contain phenolic compounds, which help you build stronger bones and reduce your risk of osteoporosis.

As mentioned above, they contain a lot of iron and calcium. Those are two essential minerals to keep your bones healthy.

One of the health benefits of eggplant is that it is great for your hair

Eggplants give you healthy hair

Thanks to the content of vitamin B3, aubergines help to stimulate the growth of your hair. 

In addition, they are full of vitamin A. This promotes the production of sebum, which keeps your hair hydrated and prevents hair loss.

They fight fluid retention

Fluid retention is caused by a variety of factors, including menstruation, menopause, pregnancy, and kidney or heart disease.

Drinking eggplant water is a good idea. It  is a great diuretic. With that, you can help your body eliminate stored fluids. Fluid retention can make you feel or look fatter than you are. So if you’re looking to lose some weight, add eggplant water to your daily routine.

They can treat burns

Finally, if you have a burn on your skin, you can make a paste of eggplant pulp to treat it. Believe it or not, it has healing and soothing properties that relieve pain and make your skin softer.

Consuming eggplant daily offers health benefits

As you have seen in this article, this vegetable contains many essential nutrients that protect your body. To take full advantage of it, this is one of the easiest ways to consume this food:


  • One medium eggplant (160 g)
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 lemon (100 g)


  • First wash the aubergine and cut it into slices.
  • Then squeeze the juice from the lemon.
  • Bring the liter of water to the boil and add the aubergine slices. Let this cook for 25 minutes until the aubergine is soft.
  • Turn off the heat and let the pan sit for another hour.
  • Pour the liquid through a strainer and store in a dark glass bottle or jar.
  • Then stir in the lemon juice.

This eggplant water is great to drink during the day.

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