10 New Ways To Use Olive Oil

Mankind has long been familiar with olive oil. Olive oil was already used 4000 years before the beginning of our era. Did you know that there are different ways in which olive oil can be used?
10 new ways to use olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil is present in the kitchens of millions of people around the world. Firstly, people often choose this oil because of the delicious taste and the many applications. But are you also aware of all the benefits this oil has to offer?

Chances are you have a bottle at home and are not at all familiar with these benefits. So you may not be aware of the many ways you can use the oil.

That’s why in this article we’ll discuss ten surprising ways to use olive oil.

Promotes Weight Loss

Olive oil is a healthy type of fat that can help you lose weight. This oil gives your metabolism a positive boost. As a result, you burn more fat. In the meantime, it also ensures that you feel full and satisfied at the same time.

In the Mediterranean diet, this oil is used as a salad dressing, to drizzle over vegetables, to make sauce and even to spread on a slice of bread instead of using butter.

Pain relief

Olives and Olive Oil

Since olive oil contains a high content of oleocanthal, the oil has a natural anti-inflammatory effect. Consequently, this can help relieve various ailments and aches. One study found that regular consumption of olive oil can help reduce inflammation associated with certain chronic diseases.

Prevents cognitive decline

brain function

The monounsaturated fat contained in this oil can help prevent cognitive decline. As a result, it may even slow down or help prevent mental illnesses such as Alzheimer’s.

Prevents diabetes

Including olive oil in your diet can also help prevent or slow the development of type 2 diabetes. How? This delicious oil, for example, ensures that your physical insulin level remains better balanced. This reduces the risk of developing high blood sugar levels.

Strengthens the immune system

immune system

Your immune system helps keep your body free of illnesses and infections that can cause colds and flu. When your immune system is weakened, your body is more susceptible to various kinds of diseases. The antioxidants in olive oil boost your immune system. Olive oil is the only oil that contains these antioxidants.

Soothes diaper rash

Olive oil is a natural, gentle and safe ingredient that can soothe the symptoms of diaper rash. In short, this ingredient relieves irritations and improves the health of the skin around the affected area.

Olive oil is a natural moisturizer

Nice skin

To maintain healthy skin, it is important to provide it with sufficient moisture on a daily basis through ingredients that both cleanse and regenerate the skin. Olive oil is a great moisturizer. In particular, it ensures that the skin retains its elasticity and is protected against the harmful effects of the sun.

It also helps to prevent premature aging.

To use this oil for the skin, simply mix a few drops of it with your favorite essential oil and apply it on the skin.

Quit smoking

Olive oil can be a great support to someone who wants to quit smoking. By taking five drops of extra virgin olive oil every morning before breakfast, you can counteract the effect nicotine has on the body and thus reduce anxiety.

Softens frizzy hair

Smooth Hair

Sometimes it can be quite tricky to style and smooth curly hair. Instead of resorting to chemicals and gels to calm frizzy and static hair, try using a little olive oil to give your hairstyle the desired shape. Spread a few drops of the oil over your hair with your hands.

This product can also be used as a remedy for dry hair and scalp as it moisturizes, repairs split ends, fights dandruff and gives your hair a healthy shine.

Prevents snoring

Several studies show that eating olive oil can also help combat this annoying sleep habit that is likely to drive your partner crazy. To reduce your snoring, take a few drops of extra virgin olive oil every night before going to bed. This natural ingredient will then soothe the throat muscles and help prevent snoring.

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