10 Things You Notice After Showering With Cold Water

While you probably think you should shower with warm water, cold showers offer many benefits that are sure to surprise you. In this article you will read 10 good reasons why you should get used to this change. It will be worth it.
10 things you notice after showering with cold water

Yes, it is true that a warm bath after a long day relaxes us. However, it is also important to know the great benefits of showering with cold water, so that you can make use of it.

Although it may be difficult for you at first, you will see that your body will get used to the change.

Showering with cold water will then become a pleasant experience, especially if you are aware of the benefits. A cold shower not only gives you energy, but it also has great benefits.

Try taking a shower with cold water after reading this article and knowing the top 10 reasons why you should start today.

Reasons why you should shower with cold water today

It improves your mood

It improves your mood

If stress has been the highlight of your day, a cold shower will help ease your bad mood and irritation.

This is because cold water affects our so-called ‘blue spot’, the area of ​​the brain that produces the hormone norepinephrine. This is the hormone that fights depression.

  • When you take a shower with cold water, you can experience a feeling of renewal and energy.

It improves your concentration

Problems with concentration

Since cold water improves the transport of nutrients in the body, and fills your cells with oxygen, it will improve your concentration.

  • You will feel less tired and you can focus on a task for  longer.

You become more efficient

Take a cold shower

A cold shower definitely activates your senses during those mornings when you don’t really want to get out of bed. It activates your cells and also blood circulation.

When your body is exposed to cold water, it immediately starts pumping more blood to the organs and tissues, greatly improving blood flow.

It improves your willpower

Taking a cold shower improves your willpower

Forcing yourself to shower with cold water is already a positive step. It will help you train your willpower to deal with difficult situations and you will also find that  it becomes easier for you to say ‘no’ to certain things.

  • It’s a great way to develop self-control.

You will gain more stamina

Exercise is good for you

Showering with cold water trains your stamina and strength. It is also good for muscle pain.

After a long day at the gym, the cold water will help reduce swelling and repair damaged tissue.

It contributes to fertility

High temperatures affect the quantity and quality of sperm. In men, avoiding exposure to very hot baths or showers can prevent a decrease in sperm production.

  • In any case, cold water is always the best option.

You will catch a cold less quickly

Common cold

When you take a shower with cold water, your body reacts by stimulating your metabolism and therefore also your immune system. This way it will be easier for your body to fight infections caused by viruses.

If you take a cold shower every day, you can be sure that you won’t catch a cold, as it greatly strengthens your immune system. This is because you help to produce immune cells. These cells kill, among other things:

  • bacteria
  • viruses
  • disease-causing microorganisms

It strengthens your blood vessels

Low temperatures help the blood vessels to constrict, allowing blood to circulate faster throughout the body.

This can protect you against:

  • varicose veins
  • hypertension
  • other vascular disease

You will lose weight faster

Fast weight loss by showering with cold water

Showering with cold water speeds up the process of removing toxins from the pores of the skin and blood circulation.

  • This will make you lose weight faster.
  • It also aids in the breakdown of brown fat stored in your body to protect you from damage.

It’s good for your skin and hair

Healthy hair by showering with cold water

Unlike cold water, warm water removes the fat naturally found on the surface of the skin. For example, hot showers tend to dry out the skin, which is reflected in dry and even flaky skin.

The same goes for the scalp, as cold water closes the hair follicles and pores. As a result, your hair will start to shine, it will not get dirty so quickly and the inflammatory processes will disappear from the skin.

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