10 Tricks To Wear High Heels

If you have to wear heels all day and they’re causing you pain, these high heels tricks will help ease or make that discomfort go away.
10 tricks to wear high heels

In this article we look at 10 useful tricks for wearing high heels. That way you can wear them with as little pain as possible.

Currently, many women need to dress formally for work or for an event and then decide to wear high heels. For most women, these shoes are anything but comfortable.

For many people, wearing heels is not just about improving your image, but about looking slimmer or more intelligent. It is also a way to accompany your clothes and the image you want to have.

Despite this, heels are very uncomfortable for many and can even cause health problems. If you’re looking for a few tricks on how to wear high heels and make sure they’re comfortable, we’ve got them for you.

10 tricks for wearing heels and avoiding discomfort

When wearing heels, the weight your feet usually carry is completely shifted.

When you raise the heel height, the front of your foot has to support up to 75% more weight than it is used to. As a result, it can damage your feet and knees. It can even change the alignment of your spine.

Take advantage of these heels wearing tricks and minimize the ill effects of wearing heels.

1. Get used to them

If you are wearing your high heels for the first time, you should not wear them all day. Instead, you should walk in them bit by bit.

Try to get used to it gradually and start with heels that are no higher than 4 centimeters. Then once you get used to it, you can move up to a higher heel.

2. Start with wide heels

brown shoe with heel

It’s definitely a better idea to start with wide heels before moving on to narrower heels. Increasing the support area will decrease your discomfort.

As time goes by and you get used to it, you can switch to narrower and higher heels without causing yourself so much pain and suffering.

3. Take Small Breaks

woman with a bare foot

We recommend taking breaks with any type of heel, even if it is low. This will rest your legs and feet and improve circulation.

If you can, give yourself a small calf massage to reduce possible cramping and improve circulation.

4. Wear the right shoe size

Although it seems quite logical, we often wear shoes that are too big or too small and that cause us more pain.

  • If they are too small, they hurt and can cause blisters.
  • On the other hand, if they are too big, your foot will slide and this will put more force on the front of your foot as you try not to let the shoe go out. Either way, it’s harmful to your feet.

5. Try to find heels with an ankle closure

If there is an ankle closure or if the instep is not completely exposed, then they can be adjusted much more easily.  You don’t have to use extra force to prevent your foot from slipping out of the shoe and it will take longer for your feet to become exhausted.

Another trick for wearing heels is finding ones that have a “neckline” shaped like the letter T.

6. Insoles

In the store you can find small insoles that can be placed under two different parts of the foot. Depending on what bothers you the most, they can be placed under your toes or under your heel.

These insoles relieve the pressure of the weight that is in this area. We recommend keeping them in your bag and using them when the pain starts.

7. Hydrate your feet

woman with jar of cream

It is extremely important that you keep your feet hydrated with moisturizer so that you can avoid chafing.  One of the more creative tricks for wearing heels is to apply the cream inside your shoe and spread it around so you can soften the material of the shoe.

8. Cool your shoes

This tip is perfect for shoes that are too small and hurt you.

  • Place bags of water in your shoes and put them in the freezer.
  • As it changes from a liquid to a solid state, the water will put more pressure on the shoe.
  • That will cause the shoes to expand.

9. Platform soles

Choosing platform soles means choosing shoes with a thicker sole. This trick will give you the height of heels without your foot noticing. These soles allow for a smaller difference in height between your toes and your heels. Your feet and legs feel relieved as a result.

10. Avoid thin soles

Thin soles offer little support for the bottoms of your feet. Rubber soles are better because they absorb pressure when walking and will relieve the pain in the soles of the feet.

So follow these tips for wearing high heels and you’ll look great without the discomfort or pain. Try them out and then tell us about your experience! 

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