11 Foods That Help Cleanse Your Liver

Processed foods in your diet, daily stress at work and home and environmental pollution – all reasons your liver is working overtime, preventing its normal and proper functioning.
11 Foods That Help Cleanse Your Liver

It is very important to cleanse your liver at least twice a year and give it a good cleaning. You then need to eat foods that help keep the functions of this vital organ in perfect working order so that you can get rid of the toxins in your body.

In this article we will therefore tell you about eleven foods that can help you cleanse your liver in a natural way.

What foods can help you cleanse your liver?


Garlic contains high amounts of allicin and selenium. These are very effective ingredients for cleaning your liver. To achieve this, you only need a small amount, which activates the enzymes in your liver and promotes the natural purification of toxins in your body.


Grapefruit is one of the foods that can help cleanse your liver

Grapefruit is a fruit with good amounts of vitamin C and antioxidants. These have the ability to enhance your liver’s natural purifying action.

A glass of fresh grapefruit juice per day will therefore certainly help to increase the amount of detoxifying enzymes in the liver, which are able to remove harmful substances from the body.

Think, for example, of the complex carcinogenic substances, or other substances that can have a serious effect on the body if they are not removed.

Be careful with grapefruit juice if you are taking medication.

Beets and carrots

These are two great foods with high concentrations of flavonoids and beta-carotene. These have the ability to support liver functions. Therefore, incorporate them into your daily diet to get a healthier liver and make it work more efficiently.

Green tea

Green tea is one of the foods that can help cleanse your liver

Green tea is a fantastic drink, which can also greatly improve the health of your liver. The catechin in the tea is responsible for this and can help improve the overall functioning of your liver.

Leafy vegetables

In general, all leafy greens are great for cleansing the liver. They can also help by absorbing toxins into the blood. This happens thanks to the high concentration of chlorophyll in leafy vegetables. You can eat them raw in salads, as juice or cooked in soups.


Avocado is one of the foods that can help cleanse your liver

Regular consumption of avocados can also help keep your liver healthy. These fruits contain large amounts of nutrients that have the ability to help produce glutathione. This is an essential substance in removing harmful toxins from the liver.


The pectins and other compounds in apples help neutralize toxins that are in the digestive tract. This makes cleaning the liver easier.

 Whole grains

Whole grains are one of the foods that can help cleanse your liver

Whole grains, such as brown rice and whole wheat, are very important for your health in general, but especially in relieving build-up in the liver and breaking down fats in the body.

Broccoli and cauliflower

These vegetables increase the production of natural enzymes in the liver, which have the  ability to neutralize carcinogenic substances in the body.

The glucosinolates in these vegetables also help greatly in reducing the risk of certain types of cancer. Therefore, incorporate these vegetables into your daily diet to make use of them.

Lemons and limes

Lemons and limes are among the foods that can help cleanse your liver

These citrus fruits are full of vitamin C and the juices are excellent for boosting your liver function. Drink the juice of one of these fruits fresh, preferably in the morning. Then you will be able to make the most effective use of their properties.


Regular consumption of cabbage helps to boost the normal functions of the liver,  which is fundamental for neutralizing the toxins that generally cause damage to your body.

To remember

However, the best way to live a healthy life is to take care of your diet. This way your body can ensure that it gets rid of the substances that always influence it. You also help the normal functioning of the other parts of your body, so that they are not restricted.

Also realize that your liver is one of the most important organs in your body. It is therefore always necessary to ensure that he gets enough attention and that he does not have to work unnecessarily.

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