3 Delicious Ways To Take Lemon In The Morning

Drinking lemons in the morning strengthens our immune system. Combining them with other natural ingredients allows us to maximize their beneficial properties.
3 delicious ways to take lemon in the morning

You are probably already familiar with the benefits of taking lemon in the morning on an empty stomach. It is a tool to detoxify the body and optimize bodily functions. In addition, it provides the body with a wealth of essential vitamins and minerals. How can anyone resist?

Lemons improve digestion, are a diuretic and also strengthen the immune system. We should all adopt this healthy habit, even if drinking lemon water in the same way every day gets boring.

In this article we therefore give you  three delicious ways to take lemon in the morning, which you will certainly be happy with.

1. Smoothie with aloe vera and lemon

Smoothie with aloe vera and lemon

This method with aloe vera is ideal for detoxifying the body and as a weight loss aid. It’s simple and refreshing – so a great way to start your day and see the results.

How do I make a lemon and aloe vera smoothie?

You need the following ingredients:

  • 20 g aloe vera
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • 5 grams of honey

To make the smoothie, first remove the clear and gelatinous substance from the inner part of the aloe vera plant. Carefully remove it with a spoon and then add it to a cup of boiling water.

Next, take the juice of a lemon and add it to the aloe vera mixture. Let it cool. It is best to drink it at room temperature and if you add a tablespoon of honey to it, it will be even more delicious to take lemon this morning.

2. Start the morning by taking lemon with baking soda

Lemon with baking soda

Combine the juice of 1 lemon (or lime) with 1 tablespoon of baking soda for a drink that is both refreshing and medicinal.

Some people claim that this is a health miracle,  but it is best to be objective and careful. This is an alkaline solution worth trying at least twice a week. It is known that it improves digestion, fights acids, purifies the body and regulates bad cholesterol.

How do I make a lemon and baking soda drink?

All you need is 250 ml of water, 5 grams of baking soda and the juice of one lemon. Drink it fresh on an empty stomach and have a normal breakfast. You will see how good you feel!

3. Lemon juice with mint, ginger and cucumber

Lemon juice with mint, ginger and cucumber

Do you know the secret of lemon, ginger, mint and cucumber? It helps you get a flatter stomach and it’s delicious! The combination of these cleansing and anti-inflammatory ingredients  allows us to improve digestion and burn fat throughout the day.

Always use this remedy with lemon in the morning on an empty stomach, up to 10 days a month. If you would like a more intensive treatment to get a flat stomach instead of preparing one glass in the morning, make a liter to drink during the day.

It’s easy and cheap. You just need to be consistent and supplement this remedy with exercise and the right diet.

How do I make a lemon, mint and cucumber drink?

You need the following ingredients:

  • 1 cucumber, peeled and sliced.
  • juice of 1 lemon.
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).
  • 10 grams of peppermint.
  • 1 tablespoon freshly grated ginger.

First, start making  tea with the mint. Then add the lemon juice and ginger. Next, blend cucumber in a blender and add the lemon juice mixture. Easy right? Also add some ice cubes for a wonderfully refreshing drink. Give it a try!

We hope you try some of these delicious ways to take lemon every morning  and enjoy all of its natural health benefits !

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