4 Steps To Put Your Baby To Sleep

There are a number of things you can do to help your baby sleep peacefully. Read on to find out which ones they are. We also give some tips on how to do this as effectively as possible. Your baby deserves a peaceful sleep.
4 steps to get your baby to sleep

These 4 steps to get your baby to sleep will help him or her move towards an independent future. Babies need their sleep to develop as they should and bedside rituals are very important to them.

A newborn does not distinguish between day and night. Therefore, the sleep schedules should be established gradually, with the goal that at some point they understand that they need to sleep at night and be awake during the day.

There is no instruction manual on how to put your baby to sleep: every baby learns how to do it themselves. Although every baby is different, the steps below should work for all babies.

What can you do to get your baby to sleep?

1. A light evening meal

Light meal

The first step is to feed your baby between 6:00 PM and 7:00 PM. It should be a light meal so that the food can be digested quickly. That way, your baby can go to bed early and get enough sleep to wake up energized the next morning.

2. A bath

Time for a bath, the perfect time to let your baby relax in the warm water. If you like, you can use scents like chamomile or lavender. They help your baby sleep better.

3. Prepare the room and your baby

  • After feeding and bathing your baby, the next step is to take them to the bedroom. The room where he or she sleeps should be cool enough to sleep comfortably all night.
  • In addition, it is important that your baby has a clean diaper on before he or she is put to bed.

4. Lullabies and Cradles

Once you are in the bedroom, first hold the baby for a few minutes.

  • Treat them with hugs and kisses.
  • Rock them back and forth a little in your arms.

Enjoy the moment because remember that they won’t stay a baby forever. If you’re already at the stage where they understand a little more, read them a bedtime story.

When your baby has fallen asleep, turn off the light. Make sure they are warm enough and leave a small light on if you want so they don’t get scared of the dark if they wake up at night.

Tips to get your baby to sleep

Put your baby on comfortable pajamas

sleeping baby

If you want your baby to sleep well, put on comfortable pajamas for him or her . They are usually made of 100% cotton because it is more comfortable to wear and hypoallergenic.

Make sure that pajamas are not tight and that whatever you put them on is appropriate for the season. Also check that there are no labels that might be annoying.

Keep an eye on the temperature

A newborn enters the world from a pleasant, warm environment – ​​the womb. To mimic that environment, monitor the temperature of the room they sleep in.

Make sure there are no drafts that could feel uncomfortable for your baby. However, the room should not be too hot either. To get into a good sleep cycle, babies need the right temperature.

Use aromatherapy and massage

baby massage

Aromatherapy is the use of certain scents and oils to affect a person’s physical and mental state. It can energize a person and create a sense of well-being.

And you can use it for your baby to help relax and get to sleep.

  • Use lightly scented oils to massage them.
  • However, do not use fragrances that are too strong, as they can cause an allergic reaction. Babies then sneeze and their eyes become watery. That won’t exactly help them get a good night’s sleep.

And remember…


These 4 steps, along with the aromatherapy and massage, will help your baby fall asleep feeling safe, loved and sleepy. If you notice anything unusual, contact your doctor immediately. In general, your baby will go to sleep and wake up as needed.

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