5 Drinks To Lower Bad Cholesterol

Bad cholesterol is known for promoting arteriosclerosis. Did you know that you can do something preventive about this from home? We will go into that in this article.
5 Drinks to Lower Bad Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a lipid that the body needs in certain amounts to function properly. However, a sedentary lifestyle and a poor diet can cause bad cholesterol levels to inadvertently become too high.

This can cause serious health problems. It increases the risk of heart disease, stroke and other health problems.

Cholesterol is found in almost the entire body, especially in the nervous system, skin, muscles, liver, gut and heart.

Cholesterol can be divided into two categories that make it possible to show whether it is ‘bad’ (LDL) or ‘good’ (HDL) cholesterol.

Bad cholesterol or LDL results from a diet rich in fried foods, sweets, artificial products, fats or meats etc.

Good cholesterol, or HDL, takes the bad cholesterol out of the blood and carries it to the liver for disposal. That this cholesterol is called ‘good’ is precisely because it is responsible for removing the excess bad cholesterol that is present in the body.

If your last doctor’s visit showed that your cholesterol levels are too high, it may be time to consider some homemade juices and drinks. These can help you control this problem and reduce the risk of possible consequences.

Juices and drinks against bad cholesterol

Apple, parsley and spinach juice

Parsley juice against bad cholesterol

This powerful juice is great for lowering high cholesterol and removing fats easily and quickly.


  • 4 apples;
  • 30 grams of raw spinach;
  • 1 handful of parsley.

What you have to do

Wash all ingredients and then put them (separately) in a juicer. When this is done, put all the ingredients in a blender and blend them together for another minute. Drink a glass of this juice every day.

Cabbage and garlic juice

Both cabbage and garlic are known to provide many health benefits and to cleanse the body. This powerful juice will help get rid of the excess fat and cholesterol that is harmful to health.


  • Half of a medium cabbage;
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 125 milliliters of water.

What you have to do

Crush the garlic and then put it in the blender along with the washed and chopped cabbage and half a cup of water. You add the water to make mixing easier. Mix all the ingredients and drink a cup of this juice every day until your cholesterol levels are lowered.

Depending on how much you use, you should not drink this juice for too long as cabbage can weaken the thyroid gland.

 Strawberry and citrus juice

strawberry smoothie

This delicious juice not only has a great taste and a positive effect on cholesterol levels, but also has properties that boost your immune system and can even help you lose weight.


  • ± 100 grams of strawberries;
  • 2 oranges;
  • 1 kiwi.

What you have to do

Squeeze the juice from the oranges, wash and peel the kiwi, wash the strawberries and cut off their crowns. Then put all the ingredients in the blender and blend for a few minutes. Drink the juice without straining every day for two weeks.

Juice of carrot, parsley and spinach

carrot juice

Vegetable juices are most recommended to be healthy every day and prevent cholesterol problems. This powerful juice will help remove cholesterol and fats. In this way you improve your lifestyle and the battle against this problem becomes winable.


  • 4 pieces of carrot;
  • 3 sprigs of parsley;
  • 2 spinach leaves.

What you have to do

Place all ingredients in a juicer. D rink the mixture on an empty stomach every day for 15 days in a row and/or after every meal.

Drink of lemon, parsley and baking powder

This potent drink is great for people who want to avoid high fat or cholesterol levels. It will also help significantly improve health in general.


  • 2 liters of filtered water;
  • 3 stalks of parsley;
  • 3 lemons;
  • Baking powder.

What you have to do

Clean the lemon peels with baking soda to disinfect them. Then boil a good amount of water. Once it comes to a boil, let it cool.

While the water is cooling, thinly slice the lemons, finely chop the parsley and add the ingredients to the water.

Cover the water and keep it in the fridge for a day. Then mix all ingredients in a blender and drink 120 milliliters of it every day.

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