5 Minimalist Home Ideas To Try For Yourself

A minimalist home aims to have only the essentials you need in your life in order to appreciate the beauty of things and focus our attention, which can be difficult when we have too many decorations.
5 minimalist home ideas to try for yourself

Minimalism is one of the most accepted styles of current design trends. If you want to know what this is about or if you want to try out one of its key concepts in your home, these minimalist home ideas might be very helpful to you. 

What does a minimalist house consist of? Minimalism is an architectural trend. As the name suggests, it focuses on having the necessary minimum of the necessities.

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, a noted 20th-century German-American architect, was the first to promote this idea. One sentence from him in particular is enough to sum up the essence of this trend: “Less is more”.

Minimalist homes stand out for their simplicity and their incredible ability to make things stand out thanks to this simplicity. Those who create these houses strive for a harmonious and functional space. Of course, they do not neglect aesthetics. Rather, they want to remove unnecessary details.

A minimalist house

Minimalism can be applied to the exterior of houses as well as to the interior decoration. When it comes to interior design, this trend emphasizes orderliness. Every object has its own place.

Key aspects of minimalism

  • Simplicity.
  • Functionality.
  • Minimum number of items in general.
  • Removing all objects that are not essential.
  • Nature and light play an important role in the design.
  • Straight lines and geometric shapes predominate.
  • Solid color schemes predominate, especially in neutrals.

To achieve these goals, minimalist homes use wood, glass, stainless steel, chrome, marble and granite. When it comes to decoration, natural options such as wood and stone are the main materials used.

5 great ideas for a minimalist home

Now that we’ve outlined the key aspects of minimalism, let’s move on to a few ideas for a minimalist home. You can keep these in mind for a future project. You can now also apply them in your home to make the most of this trend.

1. Tidy up everything in your room

A tidy room in a minimalist house

Order is essential in minimalism. So it’s best to avoid having clothes lying around or hanging all over the room. Design your room based on this basic principle: if you take a picture of yourself in your room, you should be able to see only the essentials for this room in the background.

The main allies to achieve this goal are large wardrobes, preferably built-in. At least one chest of drawers will also be needed. These can be found in beautiful designs.

Finally, if you can get your hands on bedside tables with large drawers then this would be ideal. Try to avoid unnecessary cloths and photos. Floral prints don’t add much in this context either.

2. White curtains make it spacious

As we said, minimalism is a sober style. So it makes sense that taking advantage of natural light is one of the main goals. For this, like large windows, you can use white curtains made of translucent fabrics.

Unlike dark colors, light tones tend to give a feeling of space and light to a room. Another detail you can add is a large mirror. The reflection creates an effect that makes the room appear noticeably larger.

3. Aim for a practical bathroom

A practical bathroom in a minimalist house

Some of the aspects we mentioned in the previous minimalist home ideas can be taken one step further in bathrooms. This includes letting in natural light, emphasizing the functionality of objects and using light-colored, clean items.

Good advice for bathrooms is to use sliding doors. These save a lot of space. The key to making good use of space is good layout. Try to stick to geometric lines.

Some other good ideas

  • Use large mirrors.
  • Use geometrically shaped sinks and baths.
  • Take white as your base with some details in color.
  • For the decoration you use materials such as wood and stone.
  • Make sure you can store things in, for example, drawers or wicker baskets.

4. The kitchen of a minimalist home

The next idea for a minimalist home is about the kitchen. In kitchens, the main colors are shades of gray with geometric furniture. Aluminum, marble and granite are great materials to achieve the desired effect.

Countertops are widely used in minimalist kitchens. They have the advantage that you can place electrical appliances under them, which saves a lot of space. The same goes for the refrigerator. Putting it against the wall works fine. Again, here too, natural light should be used to the maximum.

5. Space for everyone in the living room

Large windows in a minimalist house

As well as following the same principles as for the previous rooms, try not to have too much furniture in minimalist living rooms. Large windows are an important feature, as are many lamps.

Strong colors combined with neutral colors are allowed but must be used subtly. This can be a piece of furniture, or a sofa or painting. The key here is not to overdo it.

On the other hand, you should avoid unnecessary carpets and decorations. Technology is more than welcome. Modern televisions give a distinctive look to the entire room. Since it’s functionality you’re after, it’s a great idea to combine them with sound equipment to enjoy a good movie.

Although they don’t require much, these types of houses ask you to put your creativity and imagination to work. These suggestions for a minimalist home can give you the first ideas. Now think about your taste and get to work!

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