5 Natural Smoothies To Help You Fight Nighttime Hot Flashes

Thanks to the natural ingredients, natural smoothies can help you fight nighttime hot flashes. In addition, these smoothies help you to remedy night sweats and other sleeping problems. Try them out!
5 Natural Smoothies That Help You Fight Nightly Hot Flashes

Nighttime hot flashes are a common problem. It mainly occurs during menopause, although it can occur at other times as well. They are characterized by an uncomfortable feeling of heat, sweating and reddening of the skin.

The occurrence of nocturnal hot flashes is usually caused by changes in hormones in women. But they can also be the result of climatic factors or certain conditions.

Fortunately, nighttime hot flashes are not a serious health problem. But many people who suffer from this are looking for solutions. This is because they can have various consequences. This way they can interrupt sleep. In addition, they can cause fatigue and stress in the long run.

The good news is that nighttime hot flashes can also be treated naturally. For this we only need to combine a few products that are rich in nutrients, so that our body can function better.

We want to take this opportunity to give you 5 delicious natural smoothie recipes. With this you can fight nighttime hot flashes if you suffer from them or get them.

Try them soon!

1. Blueberry and soy milk smoothie


This homemade blueberry and soy milk smoothie contains high concentrations of antioxidants. This smoothie can therefore help you control nighttime hot flashes.

Soy milk contains phytoestrogens. They help to balance the hormones that can cause nighttime hot flashes.

However, soy milk is not suitable for people with thyroid problems. For them, this smoothie can therefore have negative effects.


  • 1 cup blueberries (75 grams)
  • 2 cups soy milk (500 ml)


  • Place the blueberries and soy milk in the blender.
  • Then let it run until you have a smooth consistency.
  • Divide the smoothie into 2 or 3 glasses, which you drink evenly throughout the day.
  • Do this at least three times a week.

2. Spinach and carrot smoothie

This spinach and carrot smoothie is rich in bioflavonoids, fiber and essential minerals. All of these nutrients are recommended for treating excessive sweating and excessive heat.

These nutrients also help regulate your hormone activity. As a result, they strengthen your immune system in the long term.



  • 2 carrots
  • 6 spinach leaves
  • 1 tomato
  • 2 celery sticks
  • 1 cup water (200 ml)


  • Cut the carrots into pieces.
  • Place the carrot pieces, spinach, tomato and celery in a blender along with the water.
  • Then turn on the blender until all ingredients are finely ground. There shouldn’t be any pieces left in it.
  • Serve the smoothie immediately after preparation.
  • Drink this smoothie twice a day.

3. Strawberry and almond milk smoothie

strawberry smoothie

This smoothie is a great option to fight nighttime hot flashes. In addition , it also helps against other symptoms that can be caused by hormone imbalance. This is thanks to the essential fatty acids and antioxidants that this smoothie contains.

In addition, the properties of this smoothie also help to optimize energy levels. In addition, they ensure that stress and insomnia are reduced in the long term.


  • 7 fresh strawberries.
  • 1 cup almond milk (200 ml)


  • Wash the strawberries and put them in the blender.
  • Then add the almond milk and turn on the blender.
  • Make sure the smoothie is well mixed.
  • Drink the smoothie immediately after preparation, preferably two to three hours before going to sleep.

4. Pineapple, banana and oat smoothie

This delicious smoothie is very high in nutrients, which help to reduce nighttime hot flashes. In addition, they also alleviate other problems that can occur during menopause.

The smoothie not only contains fiber, but also antioxidants and natural enzymes. These nutrients collectively help to restore hormone activity.

Moreover, the combination of these ingredients contributes to the health of your digestive system. That’s because it helps with cases of inflammation and constipation.


  • 3 slices of pineapple
  • 1 banana
  • 2 tablespoons oats (20 grams)
  • 1 tablespoon of flaxseed (10 grams)


  • Cut the pineapple slices into pieces.
  • Then put all ingredients in the blender.
  • Let it run for a few minutes until you have a well blended smoothie with a smooth consistency.
  • Drink this smoothie twice a day, immediately after preparation.

5. Papaya, orange and strawberry smoothie

papaya smoothie

The combination of papaya, orange and strawberry gives us a refreshing smoothie. This smoothie helps us to prevent nighttime hot flashes and sweat attacks, if drunk regularly.

Drinking this smoothie also helps to reduce hormonal problems and lymphatic difficulties. This is due to the interesting combination of bioflavonoids and natural enzymes.


  • 2 slices of papaya
  • The juice of 6 oranges
  • 5 strawberries


  • Cut the papaya slices into small pieces and put them in the blender.
  • Then add the strawberries and orange juice.
  • Run the blender for a few minutes until you have a smoothie without chunks.
  • Drink this smoothie two to three hours before going to bed.


Do nighttime hot flashes sometimes keep you awake? Try one of the smoothies mentioned above if you regularly suffer from this problem. Discover the benefits for yourself!


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