5 Natural Treatments To Detoxify

Looking for some natural detox treatments? Look no further than these great healthy options, from beets to peaches and everything in between.
5 Natural Treatments to Detoxify

Looking for some natural detox treatments ? Everyone has had some kind of chronic condition in their life. Whether it’s a headache, gastritis, diarrhea, the flu or changes in the hair or skin.

This may be because your body is not 100% able to perform its natural functions. Think of processing the nutrients you need or removing toxins from the body.

Having a lifestyle or diet that causes you to ingest large amounts of toxins can lead to serious health problems. Most of these toxins eventually end up in organs such as your lungs, kidneys, stomach and intestines. This makes you often feel sick.

There are thousands of recipes and treatments for detoxing. Nevertheless, it is important to adopt a diet that will help keep your body free of toxins, and even help get rid of them.

Food that detoxifies your body

One of the detox treatments is blueberry juice

As we’ve mentioned, it’s important to have a diet that will help you get rid of the excess toxins. This can give you more energy, make you feel more active and improve your general health. Here is a list of several products that can serve as natural detoxification treatments:

  • Beetroot:  This vegetable is great for helping to purify and nourish the circulatory system. The same goes for the liver. Beets can cleanse your liver and improve liver performance. This is due to a blend of natural ingredients that make this food so unique.
  • Lemon: This citrus fruit is ideal for supporting liver cleansing, thanks to its high concentration of vitamin C. The juice can help filter toxins from your body.
  • Garlic: Garlic can work great to fight bacteria and intestinal parasites. It can also help clear your airways of mucus.
  • Apples: Apples contain high amounts of pectin, a soluble fiber that is great for aiding the elimination of toxins, especially from the gut and digestive system.
  • Blueberries: This is one of the most effective products to aid in detoxification as they can act as a natural pain reliever, reducing inflammation and pain. Blueberries have antibiotic properties making them ideal for supporting bacteria fighting, especially in the urinary tract. They can help treat cystitis and take good care of your kidneys.
  • Flaxseed: Flaxseed is full of fatty acids such as omega 3 and is excellent for supporting the overall cleansing of your body.


The best way to consume all of these foods is raw. This ensures that you take full advantage of all the good qualities. Cooking them can lose nutrients or reduce their effect.

Now that you know the best foods for detoxing, we’ll share five natural detox treatments that combine these foods.

Recipes for detoxification treatments

1. Spinach and cabbage

Spinach for in natural treatments to detoxify

This mix contains high amounts of vitamins A and E, both of which may be very good for cancer prevention. In addition, they can help to prevent cell aging and are an excellent source of folic acid and calcium.


  • 30 g spinach
  • 70 g cabbage
  • Water (optional)


  • First, put both ingredients in a blender and then blend for a few minutes until you have a homogeneous mixture.
  • You can optionally add water to make mixing easier.
  • Consume this mixture three times a week, preferably on an empty stomach.

2. Peach, strawberry and pear

Pears are high in water, so they’re great to add to your diet to support weight loss.


  • 1 peach
  • 1 pear
  • 75 g strawberries
  • 250 ml milk (skimmed)


  • Mix all ingredients and then consume after meals.

3. Beetroot with apple and pear

Beetroot juice with apple

This combination may work great for reducing headaches and boosting your body’s immune system. It is also rich in fiber, which can help prevent constipation and reduce pain in your gut.


  • 125 g cooked beetroot
  • An Apple
  • A pear
  • 250 ml apple juice
  • 50 g honey (optional)


  • First, put all the ingredients in the blender and blend them.
  • If you want to sweeten the mixture, you can add one or two tablespoons of honey.
  • Strain the mixture and drink a glass with breakfast, two or three times a week.

4. Watercress with cucumber

When it comes to detoxifying treatments, watercress and cucumber both have potential cleansing effects on the body. Watercress can cleanse the blood and remove toxins and fats from the liver, and cucumber can help drain fluid.


  • 34 g watercress leaves
  • 1 cucumber
  • Water (optional)


  • First put the cucumber in the blender and then mix it with the watercress.
  • If you wish, you can add some water to make mixing easier.
  • Consume this mixture daily for two weeks on an empty stomach.

5. Dandelion


Chicory, or dandelion, is a very good medicinal plant. You can use the flowers, leaves and roots. In this case we use the latter.


  • 20 g dandelion roots
  • 500ml water


  • Clean the roots thoroughly. Then put them in a pan along with two cups of water and bring to the boil.
  • Then let it steep for a few minutes.
  • Drain the liquid and let it sit for 10 minutes.
  • Drink two cups every day.

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