5 Reasons Not To Give Your Child Chocolate Milkshakes

Ready-made chocolate milkshakes can have an effect on your child’s health. To avoid giving your kids potentially unhealthy ingredients, it’s best to make these types of shakes and drinks yourself. You can use yogurt and natural products for this.
5 reasons not to give your child chocolate milkshakes

You might get a little tired of these kinds of news stories. From time to time there are warnings about the dangers of certain foods, but when these warnings apply to things that affect the health of your children, it becomes a little more relevant. Today we want to discuss the classic  chocolate  milkshakes.

Every child loves chocolate milkshakes. They are usually the favorite snack or dessert when they come home from school. As a parent, you have undoubtedly read about the nutritional value and the ingredients in the chocolate milk cartons you put in their lunch box every day.

Everything may seem positive, but you know that there are also preservatives in it. These products ensure that the food keeps the same appearance and the texture remains the same.

But is there anything else you haven’t been told yet? We are going to explain that to you today in this article.

1. Carrageenan, something not recommended for children in foods

If you’ve never heard of carrageenan, we want to let you know that it’s a natural product. It is made from different types of algae. Algae in a milk product? Yes that’s right. Although it is a natural product, you should know that the World Health Council advises against giving this product to children.


  • Changes their gut flora
  • Causes bad digestion
  • Causes gas formation
  • Leads to diarrhea

You may be wondering what the recommended daily amount for children is to avoid these unwanted effects. There is currently no agreement between the various health organizations.

2. Chocolate milkshakes contain casein

Children drink chocolate milk

You probably already knew this. Chocolate milkshakes are still dairy products and therefore rich in casein. This is a milk protein.

The effects of this protein on the body vary from person to person, but the following effects have been observed in children:

  • Irritate the gut
  • Affect the immune system
  • Cause allergies
  • Lead to eczema or bronchitis, which is affected by an allergy to this dairy product.

Not all children will have these types of allergies or reactions,  but it is a fact that you should consider at least regulating their consumption.

3. Chocolate milkshakes contain too much sugar

You will not be surprised to read that chocolate milkshakes contain sugar. But did you know that a 200 ml serving contains almost 30 grams of sugar ?

This amount is really too high. And that’s even worse if your kids drink this regularly.

  • Sugar causes insulin resistance, so you run the risk of your kids developing metabolic syndrome and diabetes.
  • Sugar increases the concentration of bile in the stool and bacterial enzymes in the colon.
  • Chocolate milkshakes contain corn syrup. This is a rich kind of sweetener. This component can cause liver damage in the long term.
  • You run the risk of your children developing obesity.

4. Chocolate Milkshakes Won’t Help Your Kids Develop Strong Bones

Two chocolate milkshakes

In addition, it is common for dairy producers who produce this type of product to list their benefits in order to sell the product. That’s why they claim things like, “It promotes bone growth” or “Your kids’ bones will get stronger.”

  • This kind of information should be viewed with caution and also with some skepticism. The calcium in these drinks is not easily absorbed. In fact, it usually gets lost.
  • Amy Lanou, director of the Nutrition Center for the Committee of Physicians for Responsible Medicine, therefore points out the following: The countries with the highest numbers of people with osteoporosis are those where people drink the most packaged milk, or these types of shakes.
  • Chocolate milkshakes are therefore not a good source of calcium. Plain yogurt or even calcium from plant sources is a better option.

5. Chocolate milkshakes sometimes don’t even taste like chocolate

The taste is completely artificial. It is a fact that products often use chemicals and other aromatic elements that resemble chocolate, but there is no real chocolate in them. This also happens with other flavors, such as strawberry and vanilla.

It is common for these types of drinks to contain substances such as hydrolyzed vegetable proteins and sodium glutamate. Another fact is even more disturbing: Food manufacturers often don’t disclose the ingredients they use to make these flavors.

They are confidential recipes, so they can compete with other brands. This also happens with Coca Cola, for example.

There are healthier options than chocolate milkshakes

A healthier option: smoothies
  • You don’t have to give up your dairy, but it’s worth drinking the healthy options. The varieties that you know contain more calcium and that take care of the health of your children and their intestinal flora. You can make a smoothie from plain yogurt with some cocoa powder and a little oatmeal. They will love it.
  • You can also use plant-based milks as a suitable alternative.
  • Another idea is to prepare natural juices at home .

In conclusion, we would like to emphasize that occasionally drinking a chocolate milkshake does not carry any risks. The danger arises if drinking these drinks becomes the daily habit of your children.

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