5 Symptoms Of Chronic Fatigue

Can you suffer from chronic fatigue? If you cannot sleep, are tired, have a headache or experience extreme fatigue for more than 6 months, it is recommended that you see a specialist to find out if you have chronic fatigue.

Think you suffer from chronic fatigue? Do you know what the symptoms are?

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is characterized by  extreme physical and mental fatigue that is not improved by rest. Another problem with this type of fatigue is  that it gets worse when you do physical activities. We don’t yet know what causes CFS.

With this condition, you develop a significant delay in activities and your daily life.

Unfortunately, however, this syndrome is often  forgotten and confused with other conditions. As a result, people with this condition often feel misunderstood and isolated. What we do know is that  this syndrome can occur in anyone,  regardless of age, race, place of residence, etc.

Today we will tell you a little more about this topic and look at the  most common symptoms.

1. You feel extremely exhausted

This symptom does not include the normal fatigue after a long day of work; it’s much more than that.

  • It is the feeling of  total exhaustion,  deep into the muscles and bones of your body.
  • It makes it almost impossible for you to engage in mental or physical activities. 

If you let this condition take over your life, you will face  other problems, such as obesity and the associated symptoms.

2. Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep

Another symptom of chronic fatigue syndrome is having  serious trouble sleeping even though you are very tired.

With this condition, you remain in a  state of alert that prevents you from getting a good night’s sleep. In addition, when you wake up, you have the feeling  that you have not slept. 

You can try several methods that can help you fall asleep. Unfortunately, these don’t do much for you when you have chronic fatigue.

3. Concentration Problems

The exhaustion is not  only physical, but also mental. With chronic fatigue syndrome  you become forgetful, you are absent and the smallest things already feel very difficult. 

If you’ve had these symptoms for a while now, see if you recognize the other symptoms we’ve described here.

4. Social Isolation

When you are chronically fatigued,  social obligations, such as family outings or going out with friends, become a heavy burden. You probably try to avoid this and cancel regularly.

5. You can’t stand for long periods

Another symptom of chronic fatigue is that the  fatigue you feel is getting worse. The blood flow to your brain decreases when you stand for a long time. 

This problem is especially present in people who have jobs that require standing all day.

6. Recurring Pain

Chronic fatigue leads to headaches

One of the most annoying symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome is having  regular pain in one or more parts of your body: 

  • Headache
  • joint pain
  • muscle strain
  • A sore throat

An important property of the pain is that it does not  arise from inflammation or injury. 

7. Flabby Muscles

In addition, flabby muscles are also a symptom of chronic fatigue syndrome. This is often felt in  the arms and legs. 

For example, walking long distances or lifting light objects can be nearly impossible.

8. Fever

Not everyone with this syndrome experiences this, but  some people with chronic fatigue syndrome experience a fever on a regular basis. 

However, remember that a  fever means that something is not right in your body,  even if you don’t know what it is.

9. Mood Swings

Finally, confusion or irritation is  one of the most common symptoms of chronic fatigue.

This is because  the other symptoms often leave you feeling irritable or overwhelming  and this causes mood swings.

Diagnosis for Chronic Fatigue

As you have seen, the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome are very common and similar to what you see in other conditions. A specialist therefore often starts off with other conditions, such as fibromyalgia or depression.

You should therefore be very careful  when speaking to your doctor and explain each symptom as best you can. 

Pay particular attention to the duration of the symptoms. In order to speak of chronic fatigue,  the symptoms must have been present for at least six months. 

The cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is unknown, so the treatment varies from person to person.

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