5 Tips For A Slim Neck

We must not forget that the skin on our neck is just as sensitive as our facial skin. That’s why we need to take good care of, exfoliate and moisturize our neck.
5 tips for a slim neck

The neck  is a very attractive part of the female body. Although we may often forget this, if we take proper care of this sensitive body part, our neck will look more groomed and slim for longer, allowing us to show off our slim neck without shame.

In this article we will therefore share with you a few essential tips for a young-looking and slender neck. In addition, we will also give you a few simple tips that you can do every day to maintain the natural beauty of your neck.

Your neck, like the rest of your body, needs care, exfoliating the skin on your neck regularly and moisturizing it daily. However, since the skin on your neck is so sensitive, it also needs special care every now and then, just like your facial skin.

We could also apply the treatments we apply to our face to our neck.

Tips for a slim neck

Exfoliate weekly for a slim neck

jar of sea salt

The first thing to do to ensure that the skin on your neck remains even and firm is to exfoliate the skin regularly. We recommend that you apply a peeling treatment only once a week. Doing this more often can irritate the skin. This is especially true if you have dry or sensitive skin.

To remove dead skin cells you can use any of the following natural products or any combination of these products:

  • Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate/baking soda)
  • Sugar
  • Sea salt


  • Mix these exfoliating ingredients with a little almond oil or aloe vera gel to make it easier to massage the skin.
  • Massage gently, making circular movements from the chest to the chin. Try not to press too hard.
  • Rinse the mixture with cold water to close the pores.
  • Then apply a moisturizing cream to the skin.

Deeply cleanse the skin

How can we deeply cleanse the skin in our neck? By using a clay mask. In case you have oily or combination skin, you can apply the mask on both the neck and face.

We recommend using green or pink clay. To make the porridge, simply mix the clay with water to form a paste that you can easily apply to the skin without dripping.

When making the paste, place it in an earthenware pot or glass or wooden bowl, but never in a metal bowl. Metal disables the therapeutic properties of the clay.

  • Apply the mask to your neck and face, avoiding the eyes and lips.
  • Let it dry for about fifteen minutes. 
  • Rinse the clay mask with warm water and then apply a moisturizing cream to the skin.

Hydrate the skin daily

close-up of a neck

How can you moisturize the neck?

Simply with the same lotion as the lotion you use for your face. The skin on your neck is just as sensitive as your facial skin. And if we don’t take good care of the skin on our neck, it will still show signs of aging, because the skin becomes weaker and wrinkled.

We recommend using the following highly nourishing products:

  • almond oil
  • rosehip oil
  • shea butter
  • Jojoba oil
  • coconut oil
  • Grape seed oil
  • Evening Primrose Oil
  • Olive oil
  • Wheat Germ Oil

Any of these natural moisturizing products will be very capable of deeply hydrating the skin in the neck area. Use these products only twice a day, in the morning when you wake up and in the evening before you go to sleep.

Massage the skin regularly for a slim neck

Unfortunately, we often feel a lot of tension in the neck due to daily stress, bad posture, the hours we spend in front of the computer, constantly frowning, etc.

To avoid the effects of this tension, we recommend gently massaging the neck with one of the above moisturizers. Do this for at least five to ten minutes a day.

  • When massaging, use the entire palm of your hand. Press firmly against the skin under the chin, where the jawline is visible. This ensures that the circulation is stimulated and toxins are removed. 
  • Keep your thumb and forefinger well apart and slide down from the chin, applying light pressure.

Relax every night

sleeping baby

Bruxism (also called teeth grinding) and tension in the jaw also have a strong influence on tension in the neck, making this tension progressively worse.

To remedy this, you should do jaw exercises that can help you release all the tension in this joint. These exercises could also help to firm up sagging cheeks.

In addition, remember that it is common for people to tense their jaw during the night. That is why it is important that we set aside a few minutes before going to sleep to relax this body part.

When you sleep, try to relax your jaw completely and keep your mouth slightly open, just like a baby.


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