5 Tips For Beautiful And Shiny Hair

You are probably familiar with the tip that brushing your hair well is crucial for good blood circulation in the scalp, but did you know that it is also recommended to finish the rinse with cold water to contract the hair follicles? The result is that your hair will shine more!
5 tips for beautiful and shiny hair

Beautiful hair can be short or long, thick or fine, but one aspect they already have in common and that is that they shine beautifully. Soft and shiny hair gives you a healthy and vital look and that wonderful feeling of self-confidence.

This article will give you some essential tips on taking excellent care of your hair naturally. How can you treat your hair yourself at home and ensure that they regain their shine in a few days?

Brush every day for shiny hair

Maybe your grandmother once told you to brush your hair a hundred times before going to bed.

It sounds a bit like a phrase from an old fable, but this old truth undoubtedly contains the  scientifically proven fact that brushing the hairs regularly and rhythmically will stimulate blood circulation in the scalp.

This distributes the natural oil, distributed throughout the scalp, over the hair and ensures hydration from roots to ends.

Choose a brush made of natural hair for the best and healthiest results. The brush is slightly more expensive to purchase, but healthier for the scalp and brushing will also feel much more pleasant.

Start brushing at the front of the forehead and slowly work your way back. Then make the same movement from the bottom of your neck to the top of your head. Let yourself be surprised by the pleasant and relaxing feeling you will get from this rhythmic movement.

Make it an evening ritual just before bedtime. It takes a few minutes and after a few days you will notice that you get compliments more and more about your beautiful and shiny hair.

Long shiny hair

Scalp massage

Above we already told you this simple beauty tip for healthy, soft and shiny hair.

Read here how you can also treat yourself to a relaxing head massage that stimulates blood circulation and nourishes the scalp extra. This sensitive skin suffers the most from the daily stress we undergo and the air pollution we often have to deal with.

Apply light pressure to the scalp with the fingers of both hands. Then make circular movements and do not miss a single spot of the scalp. Also here, start at the front on the forehead and slowly work your way towards the back of the head and neck.

You don’t have to wait until bedtime for this massage, but you can apply it anywhere and anytime at a free moment to get rid of all tension. If you don’t always have the time for this, it can also be a good idea to alternate brushing with a good head massage.

Woman washes hair

The secret of coconut oil

In the beauty industry, the use of vegetable oils is recommended to moisturize the hair in a natural way. The hair is not exposed to the harmful chemicals that you find in almost every shampoo and conditioner and that can only guarantee you short-term solutions.

Unfortunately, most vegetable oils make the hair look greasy and unkempt and that is not the intention.

You want well-groomed and hydrated hair, but of course you don’t want to go with a greasy head of hair. The solution is to use coconut oil, a fantastic vegetable oil that moisturizes the hair, but is absorbed very quickly by the skin, so you don’t have to worry about an unkempt look.

Coconut oil also ensures a balanced secretion of sebum by the scalp, making your hair less likely to feel greasy.

  • Apply coconut oil just after washing the hair. Start in the middle of the scalp and work towards the ends.
  • Be careful and start with a small amount of oil.
  • Brush your hair so that the oil is evenly distributed over your hair.
Making coconut oil conditioner

Rinse with vinegar

Forget the expensive conditioners and simply rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar. You will notice that vinegar not only ensures shiny hair and good care, but also know that vinegar restores the acidity of skin and hair.

This is often completely disrupted by the daily use of shampoos and conditioners that contain far too many chemical products.

You need one part apple cider vinegar mixed with three parts water. Apply this mixture to the hair and let it work for a while.

Don’t worry about the vinegar smell. This will disappear by itself when the hair has dried. If you would like a slightly fresher scent, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the mixture.

Put healthy fats on the menu for shiny hair

Avocado for shiny hair

Beautiful skin and shiny hair are of course also the result of a healthy diet, as you could often read on this blog. Adding healthy fats to your menu is of utmost importance to keep your hair beautiful and healthy.

Which foods on your plate contain enough healthy fats for this?

  • Prepare your meals with vegetable, cold-pressed oils, such as olive oil, sesame oil, linseed oil, coconut oil and sunflower oil.
  • Opt for nuts and seeds if you feel like a snack.
  • Make tasty salads with avocado and the egg yolk.
  • Eat fatty fish such as tuna and mackerel.
  • Opt for natural full-fat yogurt.

And of course drink your eight glasses of water a day to keep the whole body well hydrated. Start the day with a glass of water on an empty stomach to remove all accumulated waste. After all, healthy kidneys mean healthy hair!

You can also get a beautiful and radiant head of hair by taking care of your internal organs.

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