6 Bad Foods At Dinner

If you think lettuce is a good choice for dinner, you’re wrong. Do you know which foods to avoid in the evening?
6 Bad Foods at Dinner

You probably come home tired after a long day and grab the first thing you can find in the fridge for dinner. You heat it up in the microwave and eat it. Did you even pay attention to what was on your plate? It’s okay to do this once in a while, but it’s important that this way of eating doesn’t become a habit.

The evening meal is an important part of the day. If you are on a weight loss diet, you know how crucial it is not to skip this meal. It keeps your metabolism active and helps to take care of your overall health.

But it’s also important that you keep an eye on what’s on your plate. Some foods are difficult to digest at this time of day, while others hinder a good night’s sleep. Are you ready to discover which foods to avoid for dinner at night?

1. Red meat

One of the bad foods for dinner is red meat

Many people come home too often late and hungry. As soon as you get home, prepare a full meal that will give you a lot of nutrients and a feeling of fullness.

Therefore, it is normal to make an evening meal with meat and vegetables. For example, steak with garlic sauce, which is a meal rich in iron and protein.

Is it good for you? Not at all. Take a look at the following reasons:

  • Red meat is undoubtedly high in protein, but it is difficult for your body to digest. As a result, your stomach is still active for a long time after you go to bed. This can cause sleep problems as well as bloating, gas or even constipation.
  • If you want to eat meat in the evening, choose for example turkey breast. Baking it on the grill with a little lemon juice makes it even better for your digestive system. Turkey is also a healthier alternative to fatty meats.

2. Pizza

One of the bad foods for dinner is pizza

We know everyone loves pizza. It’s easy to make and a quick fix for the last meal of the day, but you probably already know that most pizzas are made with refined flour, are high in fat and high in calories that will increase your waistline.

Plus, your body has to work harder to digest it. You may think that a pizza with lots of vegetables makes it healthier. Often, however, there is also a lot of cheese and herbs on it, which have a major impact on your stomach.

Pizza is not a healthy choice for dinner. It’s much better to save those pizza slices for the day.

3. Milk

One of the bad foods for dinner is milk

A glass of warm milk before going to sleep is a classic for many people. Since it contains a high amount of tryptophan, it certainly produces a feeling of calm. In this case, whether or not to drink milk in the evening depends on the person.

For example, if you’re used to drinking a glass of milk with honey, that might be fine for you. However, it is often discouraged. We will explain why.

  • Milk and the lactose it contains are not easy to digest. There are also many individuals who are lactose intolerant and cannot synthesize this animal product well. So be careful.
  • Milk is also high in protein and calcium. Both are not easily digested before you go to sleep.
  • Warm milk may help you fall asleep, but remember that there are healthier options. Almond milk, for example, is much easier to digest in the last hours before going to sleep. Give it a try.

4. Sla

One of the bad foods for dinner is lettuce

What could be healthier than a hearty salad for dinner? Beware as this may not be the best option for the evening. Take a look at the following reasons why:

  • Lettuce is delicious to add to salads, but it has a high amount of insoluble fiber that can cause gas and bloating in the evening.
  • Every body is different. Some individuals can consume lettuce with dinner without any problem. So only you could decide if it’s good or not. Lettuce can generally cause discomfort. For example, a healthier option is a caprese salad with fresh tomatoes.
  • Another plant to avoid at night is celery. It contains a lot of fiber and you already know that it is not a good idea to eat this before bed.

5. Garlic and Onion

One of the bad foods for dinner is garlic and onion

It is a good idea not to consume too much of these two foods during dinner. Adding raw onions or garlic to your dinner could cause inflammation in your stomach this late in the day. You could also suffer from indigestion.

The same goes for spicy meals. They are delicious, but adding hot peppers to your dinner is like swallowing the sword of Damocles. It may taste very good in the evening, but in the morning you will experience the consequences.

6. Rice and Pasta

One of the bad foods for dinner is pasta
  • How about macaroni for dinner? Some warm rice? Sometimes you come home starving at night and a hearty meal of pasta sounds perfect, but it probably isn’t a good idea.
  • You should always try to choose more complex carbohydrates in vegetables rather than in rice and pasta.
  • However, if you really like pasta and rice, you can add them to your meals in small amounts. This way you can control how many carbohydrates you consume, because they turn into empty calories that your body does not burn well in the evening.
  • So if you are a fan of macaroni, rice or lasagna, try eating them for lunch. You can burn those extra calories with a little exercise or a short walk.

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