7 Consequences Of Skipping Breakfast

The nutrients obtained at breakfast are essential to recharge your body’s energy. Read on to learn the consequences of skipping breakfast!
7 consequences of skipping breakfast

Many people are unaware of the consequences of skipping breakfast and continue to skip this important meal. Although breakfast has been emphasized in a healthy diet in recent years, some people still underestimate the incredible effects of breakfast.

Some people even think that not eating breakfast is a way to consume fewer calories and therefore lose weight more easily. However, instead of achieving this, skipping breakfast can actually make you gain weight. It can also cause other problems that reduce your quality of life.

It is therefore essential to include this important meal in your diet and above all to eat healthily.

Do you know what happens to your body if you don’t eat breakfast? Discover the main consequences of skipping breakfast in this article.

7 consequences of skipping breakfast

1. You don’t feel energetic

woman rests her head on her hand

For optimal physical and mental performance throughout the day it is essential to ‘recharge’ the body with a good breakfast. Consequences of skipping breakfast are therefore fatigue and drowsiness that may not go away.

Be careful though! Replacing breakfast with coffee and crackers will not work.

If the goal is to “fuel” your body, then your breakfast should consist of an appropriate combination of foods rich in essential nutrients.

2. Your blood sugar drops even further

The nutrients you get from breakfast foods are crucial in controlling blood sugar levels.

So if it is not consumed on time or if it is replaced by unhealthy alternatives, your blood sugar will drop .

This problem is quite alarming, especially for people with risk factors for diabetes. If this problem is not resolved as soon as possible, it may cause symptoms such as dizziness.

3. Skipping breakfast makes you feel hungrier

woman with huge sandwich

One of the consequences of not eating this meal is a feeling of restlessness that can cause weight gain.

While it may seem at first that not eating breakfast means eating fewer calories, it actually makes you eat more than you should because it causes an insatiable hunger.

4. It can cause emotional imbalances

The lack of nutrients caused by skipping the first meal of the day can also cause emotional imbalances.

Since good quality foods contain nutrients that promote well-being, a poor breakfast causes stress and irritability.

If these emotions have been affecting your work or family life lately, then you need to rethink your diet. In addition, it is a good idea to include foods in your diet that stimulate the production of serotonin, such as:

  • dark chocolate
  • bananas
  • avocados

5. Your immune system can be weakened

woman with handkerchief to her nose

The nutrients you get with breakfast help to strengthen your immune system.

For this reason , skipping breakfast can weaken your immune system, making your body more susceptible to infections.

6. You Can Develop Digestive Problems

Slow digestion and constipation are other possible consequences of skipping breakfast. While there are many factors that can influence its development, the lack of nutrients caused by not eating this meal may be the trigger.

It is essential to include dietary fiber, fatty acids and water in your breakfast. This combination helps regulate bowel function and helps the body get rid of waste. In addition, it regulates the pH of your intestinal flora and reduces the risk of gastritis and indigestion.

7. You’re at Higher Risk for Heart Disease

woman holds hands on her heart

According to a study by the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health , men who do not eat breakfast are 27% more likely to have a heart attack or serious heart disease.

Apparently, not eating breakfast can lead to the development of:

  • Diabetes
  • obesity
  • high cholesterol
  • High blood pressure

All of these factors have a direct impact on the risk of heart disease and also affect the health of your brain.

However, researchers say that eating breakfast every day is a preventative habit.

Stop skipping breakfast

Do you eat breakfast every day? Is it complete and balanced?

Now that you know the consequences of skipping breakfast, try eating foods that are high in nutrition. Also remember that its calorie content corresponds to 25% of your body’s daily needs.

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