7 Exercises To Reduce Your Double Chin

Fortunately, if you don’t want to go under the knife to get rid of your double chin, you can also achieve this goal naturally by doing exercises that strengthen the muscles in the neck and face.
7 exercises to reduce your double chin

In this article we are going to talk about exercises to reduce the double chin. The chin may be a very small part of the body, but this does not mean that the part is completely unimportant, both aesthetically and medically.

The accumulation of fat in this part of the body is not attractive, but can also indicate cardiometabolic risks.

Fat can accumulate in the chin, but the chin can also look floppy and droopy. Fortunately, there is a solution that does not require surgery and you can still get a healthy, beautiful and representative chin.

If you are overweight, try to lose a few pounds or try some exercises to strengthen the muscles in the neck and chin. Below we share a routine that you can use to reduce your double chin.

7 exercises to reduce your double chin

Press with the tongue

First, start by sitting down with your back completely straight and your shoulders loose. Then you straighten your neck and turn your head back as if you were trying to look at the ceiling.

When in this position, press your tongue against your roof of the mouth while bending your head forward (try to touch your chest with your chin).

Then relax your tongue and turn your head back to the starting position. Do this exercise twenty times a day .

Pouting and tilting

Mouth with pursed lips

You can perform this exercise sitting or standing. Roll your lips in as far as possible (a pout where you tense the muscles in your neck). Next, bend your head forward with your chin toward your chest, keeping the muscles in your neck tense.

Do this exercise without arching your back or shrugging your shoulders. Finish the exercise by returning to the starting position. Do these exercises about twenty times a day.

The ‘O’

As with the previous exercises, you should perform this exercise with a straight back and relaxed shoulders. Bend your neck back and purse your lips to make an “O” sound.

Hold this pose for about twenty seconds. Then you return to the starting position. Do this exercise ten times a day.

Kissing the ceiling

This exercise requires you to stand and completely relax your shoulders. In this pose, straighten your neck and tilt your head back as if you were looking at the ceiling.

Then you purse your lips, as if you were going to kiss the ceiling. Try to get your lips up as far as you can while feeling the muscles in your neck and chin tighten. Try to hold this pose for at least five seconds, then release and return to the starting position.

Repeat this exercise about fifteen times a day .

Neck Rotations

Neck Rotations to Reduce Double Chin

Neck rotations can be performed standing or sitting. Try to keep your spine as straight as possible, then rotate your chin from one shoulder to the other. Do this by sliding your chin over your chest, creating a crescent moon.

Your shoulders should be relaxed the entire time. Do this ten times a day .

To the sides

This exercise to reduce your double chin should be performed in the following position:

Sit on the floor, keeping one hand pressed to the floor for support, about six inches from your hip. Now place your left hand on top of your head. Then try to keep your right ear against your shoulder, while pressing your head down slightly with your left hand.

Hold this pose for ten seconds and then do the same on the other side of your body. Do this three times per side daily .

The Vowel Game

practice vowels

Start by standing up straight with your spine completely straight. Then slowly and clearly pronounce all the vowels with your mouth wide open. You should repeat this exercise as often as possible.

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