8 New Uses Of Aluminum Foil You Didn’t Know About

Thanks to its unique texture, aluminum foil can be of great help in some surprising tasks, such as sharpening scissors when the cut edges have lost their sharpness. Learn 8 New Uses of Aluminum Foil You Didn’t Know Before.
8 New Uses of Aluminum Foil You Didn't Know About

Did you know that there are other uses for aluminum foil that you probably don’t know yet?

Aluminum foil is a material that is widely used in the home, especially when it comes to keeping and preserving food and leftovers fresh. It is in the form of a thin layer that can be molded very easily and is used to cover surfaces, food and other elements.

That’s what we all know about the simple product aluminum foil, but besides that there are a lot of other interesting and surprising uses of aluminum foil to help you with all kinds of household chores.

We know that many people are not aware of these alternative uses of aluminum foil. That’s why we thought we’d collect 8 of the best applications so you can put them into practice right away. Are you ready?

1. One of the uses of aluminum foil: cleaning pans

One of the uses of aluminum foil is to clean pans

Aluminum foil is a great help when you’re struggling to clean pans that have burnt food or have ingrained food stains. Like some scouring pads, aluminum foil removes the grime that clings to it and leaves it looking cleaner.

How do you use it?

  • Take a large piece of aluminum foil.
  • Then form a large ball.
  • Then rub it over the parts of the pan you want to clean.

2. Degrease the oven with aluminum foil

While there are sponges and similar materials available in the store that can clean ovens, a simple ball of foil can be an easier and much more accessible solution.

How do you use it?

  • Sprinkle the greasy surface with a paste made from baking soda and lemon juice.
  • Then let it act for 5 minutes.
  • Then rub with aluminum foil over the entire area.

3. One of the uses of aluminum foil is cleaning silver

Cleaning silver with aluminum foil

Using this common household item to clean your silver items can help improve their appearance. Silver will look duller and dull over time  due to an accumulation of dirt and dust.

How do you use it?

  • Fill a large container (large enough to hold the items you want to clean) with hot water.
  • Then add strips of aluminum foil along with a few tablespoons of salt.
  • Then place the items you want to clean in the container to soak.
  • Then let it sit for 20 minutes to get the best results.

4. Cleaning the iron

A piece of aluminum foil along with a spoonful of salt is one of the best methods for cleaning your iron. These elements work together to remove the black film that forms on the surface of your iron, so you don’t leave annoying stains on your beautiful, clean laundry.

How do you use it?

  • Place a piece of aluminum foil on the ironing board.
  • Then sprinkle a spoonful of salt over the surface and run the hot iron over it, as if you were ironing clothes normally.
  • Then let the iron cool down a bit and remove excess salt with a clean cloth.

5. Aluminum Foil Applications: Sharpening Scissors

One of the uses of aluminum foil is sharpening scissors

If you find that your scissors don’t cut as well as they used to and have lost their sharpness, don’t despair. Just go to your closet, grab the aluminum foil and sharpen your scissors!

How do you use it?

  • Cut off a large sheet of foil and fold it several times until it is nice and thick.
  • Then cut the folded aluminum foil repeatedly to sharpen the cutting edges of the scissors again.

6. Cleaning the sandwich maker

To remove the traces of grease and food particles stuck to the sandwich maker, you can use the magic combination of aluminum foil and a little baking soda.

How do you use it?

  • Moisten a small amount of baking soda with water and sprinkle it over the sandwich maker.
  • Let it act for 10 minutes.
  • Then rub it vigorously with a large piece of aluminum foil.

7. Extending Battery Life

Toys and battery-operated household electrical appliances often stop working because the batteries have become disconnected and contact with the active parts of the item is lost. If this problem occurs, do not go to the store. Arm yourself with a piece of aluminum foil and solve the problem.

How do you use it?

  • Take a piece of aluminum foil and fold it until it is the right thickness.
  • Then place it between the battery and the contact in the battery compartment of the item.
  • Make sure the foil is nice and tight.
  • Then turn the device on again to check if it is in good condition again. Magic!

8. Derusting Steel Sponge

Derusting steel sponge with aluminum foil

The steel sponges that are such a great help in the kitchen tend to rust easily due to the moisture they retain after each use.

This wouldn’t be such a problem if it weren’t for the fact that the rust that builds up is often loosened and ends up on the surfaces we’re trying to clean. This makes them even dirtier and sometimes even with stains that are difficult to remove.

To prevent this, as well as the build-up of bad odors, there is one thing that can help. You guessed it! Our trusted friend: aluminum foil.

How do you use it?

  • Cut a rectangle out of the aluminum foil.
  • Then place it under the sponge, as if you were making a trivet.
  • Make sure to change the foil regularly to prevent moisture build-up.

Did you already know these new applications of aluminum foil? We are sure that most of you still limited their use to food storage. And that while that is really just the beginning!

Now you know how to use aluminum foil in various other situations. So make sure you have it handy when you tackle these tricky household chores. 

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