7 Ways To Reduce Bunion Pain

While bunion pain is difficult to get rid of once it is present, there are ways to find relief by using natural remedies. Try them now!
7 Ways to Reduce Bunion Pain

Bunion pain is due to bunion. Which is a deformity of your big toe that can be both painful and unsightly. Hallux valgus is the scientific name. It is basically the creation of excess bone on your toe. At its base, a bag of moisture forms.

Bunions have been found to be mostly a genetic inheritance. The deformity itself is not passed on, but the way of walking or your step is. If you have this problem, read below for some home remedies.

7 Ways to Reduce Bunion Pain

1. Healthy eating pattern

It may be hard to believe, but you can reduce bunion pain by eating anti-inflammatory products such as:

  • Olives
  • Ginger
  • blueberries
  • Garlic
  • strawberries
  • Onions

You don’t have to eat all of these products at the same time, but do your best to consume them regularly.

2. Chamomile


If you are a tea lover, you should know that chamomile tea is perfect for reducing the inflammation in your bunions.

All you have to do is make a nice cup of tea and drink it before going to bed. If you’ve been in pain all day, this remedy will help you get some sleep.

3. Aspirin

Keep in mind that you can have an allergic reaction to aspirin if you have sensitive skin. So if you have sensitive skin, this remedy is not for you.

However, if your skin can handle it, grind up three tablets, mix them with some warm olive oil and massage it onto your bunions.

4. Local Exercises

If you want relief from your bunion pain, do exercises with your toes. Move them up and down. This can be helpful.

  • Sit comfortably.
  • Move your toes up and down with your hands.
  • Keep this up for about five minutes.
  • Then roll a ball on the floor with your foot.
  • Keep this up for ten minutes.

5. Foot Bath With Epsom Salts

You can find Epsom salt in specialty pharmacies and health food stores.

  • Dissolve one or two tablespoons of Epsom salts in warm or cold water. Soak your feet here for at least twenty minutes a day to reduce bunion pain.
  • Your feet will feel much better in a few days.
  • At that point, you can reduce the frequency to taking a foot bath once every three days. It is recommended to repeat it regularly.

6. Essential Oils

Essential Oils

Bunions are often accompanied by calluses. That can be painful and irritating if it rubs against your shoes.

To prevent your skin from hardening, you can rub it with oil. This also helps to combat the redness.

The best essential oils for this are coconut oil, chamomile oil, lavender oil, and olive oil.

7. Turmeric

The special properties of turmeric help to relieve bunion pain. This is because they act as an anti-inflammatory.

You can take it as a tea. In addition, you can enhance the effects by applying it topically to your bunions.


  • 5 grams or 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • 5 grams or 1 teaspoon of essential oil (any of the above)


  • Mix the two ingredients and then apply the mixture with a gentle massaging motion.
  • Finish the treatment by removing the mixture with a towel and warm water.

How can I prevent the development of bunions?

Wet feet

If you suspect that the pain or bump you are feeling is a bunion, the first thing you should do is try to stop it from developing. You do this by giving your foot more space. You should also visit a specialist who can advise you on the best way to handle it.

A podiatrist is a doctor who has specialist knowledge about bunions. They can therefore give you the best advice about how serious the situation is.

To help prevent bunions and bunion pain, follow the tips below:

  • Choose comfortable shoes. The ladies may have to give up a bit of their style, but your health comes first. Both men and women should try to wear more square shoes, which fit well to the feet.
  • Visit a podiatrist. They can tell you all about what kind of shoes to wear to reduce bunion pain. They can also tell you what to do to prevent it from getting worse.
  • Wear orthopedic insoles. Use silicon or other soft material padding and custom insoles. You can also use daytime and nighttime corrective aids. These are all very suitable options for relieving bunion pain and preventing the bunions from getting worse while you are treating them.
  • Use hot and cold compresses. Heat and cold treatments can be very helpful for bunion pain. Not only do they provide pain relief, but they also improve circulation.

To remember

Remember that prevention is the most important thing. If you already know that bunions run in your family, you also know that there is a good chance that you will get them.

It is wise to pay attention to any deviation in your feet. This includes pain, numbness and redness. So have a podiatrist check this regularly.

It’s not impossible to relieve bunion pain,  but it does take quite a bit of patience and determination. Unfortunately, once they get there, they can turn into daily torture. So pick one of the remedies above and get started!

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