Tips To Reduce Neck Fat

As time goes by, your body undergoes changes. Your skin becomes less flexible and sags a bit. This is especially noticeable on and around the neck.
Tips to reduce neck fat

As time goes by, your body undergoes changes. You lose hydration and collagen. Your skin becomes less flexible and sags a bit. Muscle tension decreases. This is especially noticeable on and around the neck.

Fat will build up and that will look like a ‘double chin’. If you would like to avoid this, follow the tips we give you here.

Experts say that reduced collagen production is one of the main reasons for the loss of muscle tone. Skin cells will notice this reduction in production and will therefore not be able to fight against free radicals.
Often, however, you can find the elements you lack in your body in food, in simple resources that are available to everyone and that help. Would you like to know which one? Then be sure to read on.


Remedies for hanging skin on the neck

Massage with castor oil

bottle of miracle oil


  • Castor oil is a suitable aid in this case. Its essential fatty acid base prevents you from losing your natural moisture, gives your skin more flexibility and hydration and repairs your skin by keeping it smooth and clean.
  • It is best to use a tablespoon of castor oil and a tablespoon of olive oil.  Mix both oils thoroughly in a bowl and then apply some of the mixture to your hand. Then use firm, upward strokes to massage yourself from the neck to the jawline. Do this for at least 15 minutes. Then dip a small towel in warm water and wring it out thoroughly. Then put the towel on your neck for 5 minutes. The steam will ensure that the skin absorbs the oil better and also has a relaxing effect. Perform this treatment in the evening.

Good hydration

water is poured into glass


  • Everyone knows that drinking water is healthy. But you have to be very aware of this. Keeping your body hydrated also helps keep your skin healthy and wrinkle-free. When you are well balanced inwardly, this outwardly will also be flexed.
  • So don’t forget to drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

Avoid sun exposure

hand tries to block sunlight


  • The sun is necessary for your health: it helps you absorb vitamin D, for example. However, you should be on your guard and always protect yourself with sunscreen, sunglasses, etc. Your neck is very sensitive to the sun’s rays. The sun stimulates premature aging.
  • So it is always good to protect your neck from the sun with a towel or to avoid the sun when it is most intense.

An adapted diet

bottle with carrot juice

A diet rich in antioxidants, beta-carotene and vitamins A, C and E is essential to keep your skin healthy, prevent skin sagging and fight against free radicals.

It’s a good idea to start your meal with a healthy juice. The most effective juices are those based on apple. They are very healthy, as they hydrate you and also contain the right vitamins and minerals to keep your skin young. 

An avocado and grape face mask

woman puts on mask with avocado


  • A face mask that contains a lot of antioxidants prevents the aging of the skin.  The combination of avocado and grape juice is ideal for this. It refreshes and moisturizes the skin and is full of minerals. To make such a mask, use the pulp of half an avocado and five grapes. You can either crush it with a fork or mix it in the mixer. The goal is to get a cream thick enough to apply to the neck.  
  • Lie in a chair and leave the mask on for 20 minutes. If you repeat this pattern every day, you will gradually see that your skin becomes firmer.

Strengthening cream of oats

bowl with oat cream


  • The use of oats is a very old method of repairing the skin and supplying the necessary fatty acids. This sensitive spot in your neck needs those fatty acids, because the first symptoms of sagging skin are visible here.
  • To make such a cream from oats, use half a cup of oats, half a glass of warm milk and a teaspoon of rosehip oil. Mix everything thoroughly until you get a homogeneous cream. Then apply the cream on your neck. It is best to lie down and place a towel on your chest to keep everything clean. Try to let the mixture sit for about 15 to 20 minutes. Then remove it with cold water. 

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