Getting Over Guilt: More Than Our Scars

Our scars are traces that lessons have left on us. But we are much more than this and we don’t need to be defined by them. This is because you have learned from your mistakes.
Getting over guilt: more than our scars

Many of us carry our scars as if they were a heavy weight. This is a weight that makes your past very present. It overwhelms you making you anxious.

We forget that we are not our scars or mistakes from the past. We are not the guilt we may have felt at one point.

You are much more than your mistakes, but you don’t want to admit it. When you deny this, you suffer under the weight of guilt and you have already given up.

What are errors?

Man with key in his hand

Behind the word ‘wrong’ are a number of beliefs hidden. These will make you feel bad if you make a mistake. Some of them are:

  • ‘failure’
  • ‘you are not worthy’
  • ‘nobody will like you’

In reality, mistakes you make can cause wounds to appear that then become your wounds.

Some of our scars don’t need to be reopened. But they should be a sign that you’ve learned from the mistakes you’ve made.

We go back to the past again and again, more than we believe, to open old wounds. These are wounds that we have never allowed to heal.

We feel bad about what happened in the past. But the present is more important, not what many people have already forgotten and what we should have already dealt with.

But how do you deal with a situation that has left such a mark on you? Learn from it and don’t deny it. Don’t keep this wound open.

We must let this experience become part of our scars. This means we will never open those scars again because we learned the lesson.

However, sometimes this is not the case. The biggest problem then comes from the fact that we feel guilty.

Guilt opens our scars

Man under a tree at dusk

Feeling guilty is a great wound. Manipulative people use your sensitivity to feel guilty to lead you to their end goal.

The truth is , you don’t have to feel guilty about anything. Everything we did at that time was because we felt that way, wanted to do it or it happened that way.

So, if something has gone badly, what can you do? If you go back, learn from it. You can always learn something from what you go through.

It doesn’t matter how bad it was or how big the stumbling block was.

Guilt doesn’t stop you from turning the page and moving on. It prevents you from seeing what happened in the past as an experience. Instead, it brings itself to the present, so that you experience it in a time where it doesn’t belong.

When you do this, you identify with something you are not. You identify yourself with something that has been. Is there any way to get rid of this?

1. Where does this guilt come from?

To define your scars, you need to analyze where the guilt comes from.

  • Most likely it comes from different beliefs that surround the situation you’ve been through. And they show you from a very negative perspective.
  • You can write about this question on paper. You can let go of the reins so this all has a shape, fancy words and more.

Let your feelings speak through your words.

2. Realize the Difference Between Guilt and Responsibility

A woman outside with birds in the sky
  • Guilt comes from doing something negative. For example, cheating on your partner with someone else.

However, this guilt causes recurring thoughts, self-flagellation, lamentations, and wanting to go back and change what happened.

  • On the other hand, responsibility works differently. It leaves guilt and includes the fact that you must restore what you have done.

This means, for example, that you accept the mistake and the consequences that may follow (such as your partner ending the relationship).

Thanks to responsibility, you learn from mistakes you make. But with a feeling of guilt we are stuck and we cannot move forward. As a result, you feel terrible for years because of something you should have already dealt with.

Now you know that our scars don’t define us. Instead, they show us how we behave and react when we are faced with different situations in life.

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