A Damaged Immune System Causes Various Problems

A strong and healthy immune system is important to ward off various viruses and diseases. Read in this article how you can determine whether your immune system may be compromised.
A damaged immune system causes various problems

Your immune system’s job is to protect your body from harmful compounds called antigens. These antigens are carriers of viruses, bacteria, toxins and foreign substances that can damage your health. The problem is that persistent stress, poor diet and some diseases can alter how the immune system works. As a result, a damaged immune system may have less ability to perform its most important tasks.

The immune system is made up of lymphoid tissues. They are part of the bone marrow, the lymph nodes, parts of the digestive system and the tonsils.

As soon as the body detects an antigen, your immune system starts to increase the production of proteins. Those proteins are also called antibodies. In this way, the germs are destroyed and the development of a disease is prevented.

The further consequences are that the risk of all kinds of germs and some negative reactions increases. This will affect your quality of life.

That is why it is urgent that you recognize the signals that indicate that you have a damaged immune system. Then you can also take steps to reverse this. In this article, we look at some of those signals. They let you know that the immune system is not working as it should.

7 Problems Caused by a Damaged Immune System

1. Recurrent Infections


So the job of the immune system is to protect the body against viruses, bacteria and fungi. But when this system goes down, you end up with infections that keep coming back.

Ailments of the urinary system, inflammation and problems of digestion begin to occur. These are all signs that your immune system is not responding properly to external active elements.

2. Allergies

Some people are more prone to allergic reactions than others. Actually, this is your immune system that reacts to external elements such as pollen and dust. But if allergies persist, then this is a sign that the immune system is weakened.

If you notice changes in the skin or have a respiratory blockage and have to sneeze often, these are enough reasons to change your habits and look for ways to strengthen this system.

3. When wounds take a long time to heal

Bandage wound

How long it takes for a wound to heal depends on the cause and severity. If it’s just a superficial wound, then the healing process shouldn’t really take that long.

This process of healing is a fundamental task of the immune system. But when this system itself is damaged, the risks of infection and complications increase.

Keep this in mind. When a wound heals slowly, this is enough information to suspect that there is a problem with your immune system.

4. Colds and Flu

The flu, colds and other respiratory diseases are the result of a decrease in antibody production.

When the body does not have enough white blood cells, when the oxygen supply drops and when you have circulation problems, all these elements will influence the occurrence of this kind of problem.

5. Fatigue and Weakness

Tired woman

Every day we come into contact with many factors that can cause fatigue. But if it happens on a regular basis and for no reason, it’s still possible that a damaged immune system is the culprit.

It is very common to experience fatigue early in the morning, even after a period of rest. Usually this is accompanied by a physical and mental feeling of weakness. As a result, it interferes with day-to-day tasks.

In addition, this problem can cause changes in body temperature, dizziness, nausea, and other symptoms. You really need to pay attention to these signals.

6. Muscle Pain

The functions of this body system can be damaged by other factors. High stress levels, too much physical activity and nutritional deficiencies play an important role in this.

These factors also have a direct impact on muscle health. When that health decreases, this will cause pain. In addition, you also get tension in the joints and severe headaches.

7. Wrong or Bad Choice of Treatment


To treat most infections and diseases related to the immune system, antibiotics are used. These agents help to destroy most viruses and bacteria that attack this system.

But there is a problem with the long-term use of antibiotics: the effects diminish. Then, of course, it becomes more difficult to tackle these disorders.

Therefore, it is imperative that you enhance the effects of antibiotics by eating a healthy, high-quality diet.

Remember that you should not ignore the problems we mention in this article, as they require you to provide timely and effective treatment. In addition, there are negative consequences if you ignore the signals or wait for an appropriate moment to act, as these problems will then get worse and be more difficult to solve.

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