Acne Conglobata: Causes And Symptoms

Acne conglobata is a special form of acne that causes more severe symptoms. It causes more extensive scars that are very visible, which can affect the self-esteem of the person suffering from it.
Acne Conglobata: Causes and Symptoms

Acne conglobata is a chronic form of acne. It is distinguished by the fact that it causes a number of symptoms that lead to unsightly scars, such as:

  • comedones
  • cystic nodules
  • fistulas
  • abscesses

This condition mainly affects men. It usually occurs between the ages of 15 and 25. Although it can appear on its own, it is most often associated with patients suffering from acne vulgaris. The lesions are mainly located on the face, neck, chest and shoulders. In this article we explain what it is and what its features are.

What is acne and acne conglobata?

Acne is an inflammatory disease of the skin. It is one of the most common disorders in adolescents and young people. In fact, it is the most common cause of dermatological consultation.

Acne conglobata is a disease of the sebaceous glands. The condition is multifactorial. So experts think that a combination of factors is the cause, for example:

  • an increased sebum production
  • secondary inflammation
  • an increased sensitivity to androgens
An image of an androgen

Acne lesions are blackheads. However, they can evolve and become papules and pustules. There may even be nodules and cysts. Therefore, there are several ways to classify acne, namely:

  • According to the age at which it appears. It can be in the following forms:
    • neonatal
    • infant
    • infantile
    • pre-adolescent
    • adolescent
    • grown up
  • According to the prevailing lesion. In this classification we find the following forms:
    • comedonal
    • papuleus-pustular
    • nodular-cystic
  • Depending on the severity, namely:
    • mild
    • mediocre
    • seriously
  • Special shapes. This is where we find acne conglobata.

Experts consider it a special form because it is more serious. Acne conglobata tends to leave severe scars. In addition, the lesions extend beyond the typical areas where acne occurs. It can affect the buttocks, abdomen and armpits, among other things. In short, it is one of the most severe and chronic forms of acne.

The Symptoms of Acne Conglobata

The clinical picture is mainly characterized by:

  • blackheads, papules, and pustules
  • inflamed nodules and abscesses
  • pain in any lesion due to swelling
  • ulceration
  • smelly discharge
  • skin damage and deformation
  • irregular scars, such as hypertrophic and keloid scars

Sometimes acne conglobata appears along with blood diseases. For example, it can occur with anemia and leukocytosis. The lesions may be sterile or infected by certain microorganisms. The most common bacterium is Propionibacterium acnes .

So the physical symptoms are obvious. But we should also mention the psychological consequences of this condition. This is because acne conglobata can cause many self-esteem issues. The patient may also feel weak and insecure.


A young woman with acne

As we mentioned above, acne conglobata has multiple causes. Contrary to popular belief, studies have shown that diet has no direct influence on its occurrence. The main triggers are:

  • There is an increased sebum production. Also, it seems that its composition is being changed. The sebaceous glands also increase in size.
  • Keratinization changes occur . This leads to the formation of blackheads, when altered sebum irritates the wall of the follicle. The keratinized cells flake off, but do not fall off the skin. That’s how they build up. This leads to the formation of a conglomerate of cells and oil, creating the blackhead.
  • The presence of Propionibacterium acnes . This is a bacterium that feeds on sebum. This makes it faster and easier to grow.
  • Finally, an inflammatory process occurs. According to experts, this is due to both follicular erosion and bacteria.

The appearance of acne conglobata is also related to androgens. These hormones cause increased sebum production. The relationship is associated with several processes.

First, experts believe that an increased sensitivity to androgens may lead to it. It may also be due to an unusually high level of androgens. In fact, they also found that some factors make this acne worse, such as sun exposure or stress.


Acne conglobata is a complicated condition. It causes very painful lesions that affect the patient’s life. This condition does not only cause physical symptoms. It can also affect the patient’s self-esteem and stability.

Therefore, the condition must be detected and treated in time, so that the scars occur less frequently and are less severe. So consult a doctor if you suffer from this skin condition.

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