Apple Sponge Cake Recipe

The scent of apple and cinnamon wafts through your home while making this delicious sponge cake. Give it a try!
Apple sponge cake recipe

Great for breakfast or a delicious snack or treat any time of the day. Apple sponge cake is something the whole family will love. It’s simple to make and has a special ingredient that is not only healthy, but also easy to get hold of.

Who doesn’t love those healthy apples? Don’t hesitate to read on, because you will love this apple sponge cake recipe  and surprise everyone in the kitchen.

Apple sponge cake recipe

Apple sponge cake recipe

The secret to this apple sponge cake recipe is its delicious apple flavor and spongy texture. If you want, you can also add walnuts, but that depends on your taste.

This sponge cake also has a satiating effect and does not contain a lot of calories, especially when compared to the cakes you can buy in the supermarket. Without a doubt, it’s best to make this cake at home to make sure the ingredients are 100% natural.

What do you need to make apple sponge cake

The apple sponge cake recipe below serves about six people. These are the amounts you should stick to as a guideline:

  • 1 cup natural yogurt
  • 350 grams of flour
  • 4 eggs
  • 125 grams of butter
  • 250 grams of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
  • 12 grams yeast (1 sachet)
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla sugar
  • 3 large apples
  • 1 pinch of salt

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How to make the sponge cake

Step 1:

  • The first thing to do is beat the eggs with the sugar until the volume has doubled. To make it more spongy, it’s best to separate the yolks and whites, beating the latter until it’s like snow.
  • Meanwhile, add the sugar to the egg yolk and mix well.
  • Mix the egg whites little by little and also the yogurt, stirring constantly so that it does not sink. It’s very simple!

Step 2:

  • Then mix the yeast with the flour.
  • Then add it to the same bowl that contains the mixture from step 1. Don’t stop knocking.
  • Let it stand for ten minutes when it is well mixed.

Step 3:

  • Now melt the butter a little.
  • Now add a pinch of salt. This will make the sweet taste come out much better.
  • Whisk everything together with the previous mixture until there are no more lumps.

Step 4:

And now? The apples!

  • Wash and peel them.
  • Remove the core and then cut them into very thin strips. It is very important to peel and cut the apples last, as they oxidize when they come into contact with the air. This is a very simple and practical trick.
  • Add half to the bowl with the mixture as soon as you cut them.

Step 5:

  • Now you prepare the special mold,  which you will use as a mold to go into the oven.
  • This is where you pour in the egg-yogurt-and-apple mixture.
  • Place the other half of the sliced ​​apples on top of the mixture and sprinkle a little cinnamon and a tablespoon of vanilla sugar on top.

Step 6:

  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
  • Then put the sponge cake in it for 45 minutes.
  • After this time is up, poke the cake with a fork to test if it’s done.

Step 7:

  • Remove the cake from the oven as soon as it is done, otherwise it will become too dry.
  • Carefully remove the cake from the mold and place it on a plate.
  • Let the cake cool for 20 minutes before trying it.

It is delicious and smells wonderfully of apple and cinnamon!

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