Balance Your Brain Chemistry And Fight Depression

Walking for half an hour every day can be a great way to balance your brain chemistry and boost serotonin production, which will make you feel a lot better.
Balance your brain chemistry and fight depression

Our brain chemistry determines some moods. It is a fascinating process but also quite complex at the same time. Any imbalance or change in our neurotransmitters can make us experience anything. From the highest degree of motivation, to the deepest sadness, to radiating joy. Understanding the basic principles of this brain chemistry and balancing your brain chemistry is therefore very important to combat depression.

The biochemical changes in your brain depend on several factors. For example, there are endogenous forms of depression.  In addition, a lack of serotonin causes us to enter a state of helplessness, anhedonia and permanent dejection.

Exogenous depression, on the other hand, depends on dimensions that are not just related to the things around us. But also with the way we deal with adversity and the things we encounter every day. It doesn’t matter whether they are small or large.

Depression is known to be linked to certain amino acids at the same time. The combination of certain neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine also play a role.

Our brain chemistry determines our emotional state. And we know that in many cases we have no choice but to turn to pharmaceutical drugs. But in this article we want to talk about some possibilities to supplement it.

There are natural ways to regulate many of these substances. We explain how.

1. Lack of Dopamine and Depression

Depressed boy who needs to balance his brain chemistry

Low levels of dopamine can cause some very obvious symptoms. Some of these are fatigue, apathy, mood swings, loss of interest in the things around us and depression. So a lack of this substance can make it difficult to face depression.

Dopamine is one of the most important substances for the brain. It mediates, among other things, the communication between neurons and nerve cells.

Dopamine is also known to have an irreplaceable function when it comes to generating our movements, motor skills and energy (or motivation) to interact with our environment.

How can I increase dopamine levels naturally?

  • There is an essential amino acid that can help increase  dopamine levels. It is known as L-Phenylalaline.
  • Our body is unable to synthesize it on its own. That’s why we have to get it through our food.
  • Our body then converts L-phenylalaline into tyrosine. This ensures that the production of dopamine is generated.

You can get this amino acid through the following foods:

  • Meat
  • Dairy products
  • Nuts such as almonds and walnuts
  • Seeds (sesame, sunflower, pumpkin)
  • bananas
  • beets
  • Chocolate
  • Green tea
  • blueberry juice
  • Noni Juice (Indian Mulberry)

Things like meditation and regular exercise can also help balance brain chemistry.

2. Serotonin, the happiness hormone

Cheerful woman in a meadow

The vast majority of antidepressants work like this. They ensure that a series of inhibitors cannot stop the production of serotonin. This in turn makes it harder to face depression.

  • Low levels of serotonin can cause stress, depression, the appearance of negative thoughts and despair.
  • Therefore, some drugs are intended to promote the proper production of this substance.
  • However, it is important to know that you can also increase the production of serotonin naturally.

How can I increase my serotonin levels naturally?

  • Improve your diet.  Eat more products such as bananas, dark chocolate, avocado, chicken, watermelon, blueberries, milk and plantains. So these are the same products that increase your dopamine levels.
  • Try a new hobby  or something new. Sign up for a painting course, take a dance class, do yoga…
  • Listen to music.  Music arouses positive emotions. They can help balance your brain chemistry.
  • Go out and do things with others.

3. To balance your brain chemistry, get enough and good sleep

brain scan

Poor sleep can have many negative consequences. This applies to both sleepless nights and regular hours of lying awake before you finally fall asleep.

One of these consequences is a decrease in serotonin. This is a substance that we know causes fatigue, increased sensitivity and a greater risk of depression.

Sleeping well is healthy and also a way to balance brain chemistry. It is a very simple habit. It helps to regulate the substances in our brain. In addition, it will make our emotional state of mind stronger, more positive and more resistant.

How can I sleep better and promote brain health?

  • Keep to the same schedule every day.  Don’t skip lunch and dinner and go to bed at the same time every day.
  • Try not to expose yourself to electronic devices for at least two hours before going to bed. This means that you should turn off your computer and your phone and also stop using your tablet.
  • Exercise in the afternoon.  So not right before going to bed.
  • Perform the same ritual every night before going to bed. Take a hot shower, drink a cup of milk with honey, read a book and relax in bed.
  • Try to keep the temperature in your bedroom normal. Just like strong smells, too much heat can affect your rest.

As you can see, to treat depression by balancing and regulating your brain chemistry you don’t have to depend on pharmaceutical drugs at all.

To get out of this long, dark tunnel you need a few things.

  • A good strategy
  • Adequate help in the psychological field
  • Good personal habits
  • Better lifestyle

Just like the things we suggested above.

Shall we put them into practice? 

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