Boldo, A Simple Remedy For A Healthier Liver

Thanks to its properties, boldo can help to naturally detoxify the liver and reduce inflammation. It is essential that in addition to the intake of boldo you also follow a balanced diet and also maintain a healthy weight.
Boldo, a simple remedy for a healthier liver

The nature possesses amazing plants and herbs that help us stay healthy. In this article we will talk about boldo. It is a native Chile tree that can grow up to six meters high. This plant can ensure a healthier liver and a better functioning of the liver.

The leaves of this tree contain all its medicinal properties. They are used to make tea. This drink has been an alternative to medicines since ancient times.

Initially, people used it for joint and muscle pain. Now we know that this plant also helps treat ailments of liver health, indigestion and gallbladder problems.

You can find boldo in countries with a Mediterranean climate and in natural food stores.

The chemical composition of boldo

The chemical composition of boldo

The leaves of this tree contain many essential oils and flavonoids. This means that they have an antibacterial effect.

Boldo also contains many alkaloids. One of these is boldine. This is a natural extract that promotes the drainage, production and excretion of bile. That way, fat is more easily digested.

Although this plant does not contain much of this alkaloid, it is the main reason why boldo has become so popular.

Follow a healthy diet and ensure a healthier liver

To keep your liver in good condition you should avoid being overweight. Therefore, you should follow a diet that is low in fat and sugar.

You should also avoid the following:

  • Eating too much animal protein
  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • Candy (especially chocolate)

All this means that you should strive to follow an alkaline diet. In this way you provide your body with the nutrients it needs to renew the cell tissues.

Why should you add boldo to your diet?

This plant offers many health benefits. Therefore, add it to your daily diet. This will help in the following ways:

  • It fights fatty liver and swelling, hepatitis, cirrhosis and indigestion.
  • Boldo reduces the risk of inflammation of the gallbladder. In this way you will also reduce the risk of cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder).
  • In addition, by facilitating the production of bile, it can reduce the risk of inflammation of the gallbladder due to the build-up of toxins.
  • It protects your liver thanks to the flavonoids and boldine it contains.
  • This plant detoxifies your liver. It helps to clear your liver if you drink alcohol, take too much medicine or eat too much.

How do you prepare boldo and how do you drink boldo for a healthier liver?

Boldo tea for a healthier liver

Boldo tea, a cure for a healthier liver

We recommend that you drink boldo tea after every main meal. You should supplement the intake of this tea with a healthy and balanced diet.


  • 1 cup water (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of boldo leaves (15 g)
  • honey (optional)


  • Heat the water. Once it boils, add the boldo leaves.
  • Then cover the decoction. Then let it steep for 10 minutes before drinking it.
  • If you find it too bitter, sweeten it with honey.

Boldo with lemon

The combination of this herb with lemon will further enhance the detoxifying effect. Both ingredients have a purifying effect. Thus, they will help to cleanse the liver in a more effective way.

This combination may reduce the risk of inflamed liver, liver poisoning, or jaundice. Prepare boldo tea as we explained earlier. Then add the juice of one lemon.

Using Boldo for biliary colic

With this condition, you use the natural extract of boldo instead of making tea. It will help to get the symptoms under control gradually. However, you should also seek professional advice .


  • 1 cup hot water (250 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons natural extract of boldo


  • Add boldo’s natural extract to a cup of hot water.
  • Drink it three times a day.

With gallstones

Boldo can also be a great ally to help remove gallstones. Prepare this remedy in the following way.


  • 3 or 5 boldo leaves
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)


  • Make a decoction of three to five boldo leaves in one liter of water by letting it steep overnight. The next day you strain the mixture. Then you heat the liquid.
  • Drink the first cup on an empty stomach. Drink the rest of this tea after every meal.

To avoid stomach pain

You can also take advantage of boldo ‘s properties by applying it topically. This can help, for example, to prevent stomach pain.

  • All you need to do is make boldo tea and soak some compresses in the tea.
  • Then place the compresses on the stomach area. This will also help calm your nerves and get rid of gases.

This way you will feel lighter and more relaxed. This will then ensure that you can focus on other activities.

Prevent stomach pain with boldo

The right dose of boldo for a healthier liver

We recommend drinking this tea from boldo in the morning. Do this an hour before breakfast. It is also important that you do not allow the treatment to last longer than nine consecutive days. After this time you should take a break of three weeks.

You can also buy capsules, syrups and extract of boldo. In this case, always read the directions on the package and do not exceed the recommended amount. 

  • If you buy boldo syrup, take one tablespoon three times a day to detoxify the liver.
  • However, if you choose to take capsules, take only two a day to avoid intoxication.


There are situations where you should avoid this plant. Excessive use can cause the following effects:

  • Vomit
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Hallucinations

On the other hand, the following people should also avoid taking boldo :

  • Pregnant women or nursing mothers.
  • Patients suffering from severe liver disease.
  • Children under 12.
  • kidney patients.
  • Patients taking anticoagulant medications. Boldo can increase the risk of bleeding.

Remember to take any remedy in moderation. We also recommend that you consult a specialist before deciding to add this plant to your diet. After all, they will be able to decide what the right dose is for you.

We hope you enjoyed this article. You have read here how boldo can ensure a healthier liver!

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