Carrot Syrup For The Flu: Benefits And Preparation

By combining carrots and honey, you can prepare a natural remedy to control flu symptoms. Find out more about this carrot syrup and how to prepare it in the following article.
Carrot syrup for the flu: benefits and preparation

Carrot syrup for the flu is a natural remedy that can help control certain flu symptoms, such as excess mucus, coughing and congestion. Unlike many conventional syrups , it contains no chemical additives, but does contain important essential nutrients.

The flu is a viral illness that affects the health of your respiratory system, among other things. It usually involves symptoms such as a stuffy nose, fever, and general discomfort.

Although these problems disappear after a few days, it is common to seek treatment to better cope with the complaints. We would therefore like to suggest using this all-natural home remedy.

The benefits of carrot syrup for the flu

Bunch of carrots

The benefits of carrot syrup in the flu are very diverse. First of all , this vegetable is packed with antioxidants and vitamins that boost immune function. It even contains a significant dose of vitamin C. This vitamin plays a key role in fighting infections.

At the same time , carrots help to block the negative effects of free radicals on our cells. This is a determining factor when it comes to maintaining optimal defense mechanisms. It also helps to relieve general discomfort and increase our physical and mental energy levels.

This home remedy combines this natural syrup with the antibiotic and antiviral power of honey. We all already know how strongly honey is recommended when it comes to colds and flu. Its properties help to stop the growth of the virus and significantly promote respiratory health.

In fact , honey has been a staple ingredient in the preparation of medicines for constipation, excessive mucus production and throat irritation since ancient times. It can also help with severe cases of bronchitis and chronic lung disease.

How to prepare carrot syrup for the flu?

Carrot syrup through a sieve

You can use this syrup to both prevent and relieve flu symptoms. It also offers a number of benefits to our body. Fortunately, making carrot syrup isn’t complicated and it doesn’t take long.

The best part is that the ingredients are relatively inexpensive and you can get them at any grocery store. The final product is additionally helpful in providing flu and cold relief to both children and adults.


  • 5 medium carrots
  • 110 grams organic bee honey (1/2 cup)
  • The juice of 1/2 lemon (optional)


  • First wash the carrots thoroughly and cut them into small pieces.
  • Then put them in a pan with some water and cook them on high heat.
  • When they are soft, remove the pan from the stove and process them into a puree with a stick blender.
  • Then pour the puree together with the honey and lemon into a glass jar.
  • Cover the jar and let the remedy stand for a day before taking it.

How can you take the carrot syrup?

  • In case of flu, cold or cough, take 2 tablespoons of syrup every 4 hours.
  • If you want to prevent illness, take a tablespoon every day before breakfast or in the middle of the morning.
  • If desired, you can dilute the syrup in a glass of warm water.


In terms of carbohydrates, this natural syrup must be fitted into the schedule for people with diabetes. If you’re experiencing major ups and downs  in your blood sugar, see a doctor first. If you are taking any medication, check with your pharmacist about possible interactions before taking this syrup.

What are the other benefits of this syrup?

Hands that make a heart

The benefits of carrots on a cognitive and visual level are well known. You can therefore take advantage of this syrup to improve your general health. Both carrots and honey have significant effects on well-being. So, in addition to fighting the flu, this syrup offers many other benefits worth mentioning:

  • It contains substances such as beta-carotene and lutein, which contribute to better visual health.
  • The content of vitamins A and C helps to protect the skin and keep it healthy.
  • This carrot syrup strengthens the immune system and improves the response to the attack of pathogens.
  • It also promotes a reduction in cholesterol levels.
  • The antioxidant compounds reduce the negative impact of free radicals. It also stimulates the functioning of the nervous system.
  • It counteracts fluid retention and reduces inflammation.


As you have read, you can use this syrup as a supplement to the treatment of the symptoms of the flu. While it cannot cure disease, it does help reduce symptoms. The ingredients also provide many other important benefits for our body. So what are you waiting for? Give it a try!

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