Celery, A Surprisingly Healthy Vegetable

Celery gives a slightly different taste to your dishes, but it is above all very healthy. It can help prevent many health problems.
Celery, a surprisingly healthy vegetable

Celery has a refreshing taste. We should all eat it more often. So add it to your daily diet. It is a great, nutritious vegetable!

You can prepare it in many different ways. You can use it in salads and soups as well as in smoothies and sauces. It has a delicious taste and satisfies the hunger.

As far back as ancient times, celery was often used as a medicinal remedy. It was used to treat various diseases. After all, it turned out to have a healing effect on problems of the liver, heart and digestion.

Of course, celery alone cannot make the aches and pains disappear. However, we do know how great it is for health. It is simply one of the best foods. So definitely add it to your daily diet.

Not convinced yet? We give you nine reasons why you should eat it more often. You will notice the difference in your health!

1. Celery is low in calories and high in nutrients

Do you want to lose weight? Then put in celery. It contains hardly any calories.

  • Celery contains a lot of water and minerals, such as calcium, sodium and magnesium.
  • This vegetable also contains many vitamins, including vitamins A, C, E, D, B6, B12 and vitamin K.
  • In addition, it contains essential oils, fiber and antioxidants.

Thanks to all these components, celery has a positive effect on health. It  protects the heart and has an antibacterial and diuretic effect.  It can even be used as a disinfectant.

Celery For Weight Loss

2. It is anti-inflammatory

Maybe you suffer from joint pain? Arthritis or overload of the muscles can lead to (sterile) inflammation and therefore a lot of discomfort.

Celery is one of the best anti-inflammatory foods around. Eat the vegetable regularly and experience its anti-inflammatory effect.

Polyacetylene is found in celery and reduces inflammation and relaxes the tissues. This element helps to eliminate toxins. In addition, it delays the development of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, gout, asthma and bronchitis.

3. It helps you to calm down

This is very interesting to know, because this effect of celery can be important for recovery processes. Hidden between all those important minerals you will also find magnesium in this green vegetable.

This mineral, along with the essential oils, helps to relax the nervous system. This is very beneficial because you need that rest to heal.

4. Celery is an excellent alkaline food

The vegetable contains alkaline nutrients. They are released by pressing. However, also remember that many properties of celery are lost during cooking.

Eat the vegetables raw or in smoothies. Eating it raw will allow you to retain most of its alkaline effects.

Sliced ​​celery

5. It Improves Digestion

Make a celery and cabbage smoothie. This is a good remedy to facilitate digestion and prevent constipation.

Why does this vegetable have this effect on digestion? The minerals, acids and phytonutrients present enhance digestion in a phenomenal way. In addition, they are able to relieve intestinal gas.

6. It’s good for your eyesight

We can give you another reason to eat this vegetable: it has an incredibly positive effect on your vision.

How come? Deep in the vegetable you will find a magical vitamin: vitamin A. We therefore recommend that you eat one celery stalk per day. This is a very simple way to absorb already five percent of your daily recommended amount of vitamins.

7. It Reduces Bad Cholesterol

Thanks to a special phytochemical element known as 3-N-butylphthalide, celery will lower bad cholesterol.

The special smell of the vegetable is caused by this element and is very recognizable. So eat it as much as you can! It is, after all, a very valuable food.

8. It Lowers Blood Pressure

Do you have high blood pressure?  Not sure how to stabilize your blood pressure? It is important that you watch your diet. Celery is therefore an efficient blood pressure lowering agent. This too is due to 3-N-butylphthalide. Nutritionists therefore recommend eating two celery stalks a day for good results.

Measuring bloodpressure

9. It May Reduce Cancer Risk

To date, there is nothing that can prevent the development of cancer. However, you can reduce the risk by eating healthier.

Celery contains two types of special flavonoids: apigenin and luteolin. In the journal Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research is an interesting article about the effect of these two antioxidants. Apigenin and luteolin are believed to play a role in fighting lung cancer cells.

vegetable juice

So what’s the decision? It’s clear that eating more celery has incredibly beneficial effects. Of course, that doesn’t mean you should follow a diet based solely on a little vegetables, some fruits, and fiber to lose weight or lower your cholesterol.

What’s the secret then? Eat wisely!  So make sure that proteins and carbohydrates as well as healthy fats, for example from olive oil and nuts, are part of your daily diet.

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