Cleanse Blemished Skin In One Month

If you want to cleanse blemished skin, you should also cleanse your intestines, as problems with your intestines can contribute to skin problems. You can read how this came about here.
Cleanse impure skin in one month

For  a problem skin clean, so your skin looks sleek and healthy, you should get a complete cleaning of both to do inside and out. 

In this article we will explain how you can do a deep cleansing of your skin with natural treatments and remedies. This is excellent for oily or combination skin, which is prone to blackheads, acne, pimples etc.

Clean your intestines

The health of your skin largely depends on your gut. Therefore, deep cleaning and making sure they are working properly is the first step. The most common problem related to the gut is constipation.

This causes a build-up of toxic substances, which if not eliminated eventually end up in the bloodstream. Once they get there, the body will do everything it can to eliminate them through the skin, through impurities, sweat, etc.

There are several natural habits to cleanse your bowels and prevent constipation:

  • Eat ripe fruits and fresh vegetables every day. Especially fruits such as plums, figs or apples and green leafy vegetables such as spinach or chard.
  • Add flaxseed to your meals.
  • Always eat whole grains: bread, pasta, rice, wheat etc.
  • Take magnesium chloride supplements.
  • Drink two glasses of water on an empty stomach.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Perform water enemas as needed. These are much more natural than the chemical enemas from the pharmacy.

During the cleansing month, you should follow these tips until you notice that your bowels are functioning properly.

Clean your intestines to fight impure skin

Drink medicinal infusions

There are medicinal plants that cleanse the skin from within. You may have more blemishes in the first few days, but this is normal when doing an inside cleanse. You will soon see them disappear and your skin will be cleaner.

  • Nettle: This wild plant has the properties to cleanse and beautify your skin and also to cleanse your body.
  • Burdock Root: The infusion of this root is very useful for significant blemishes, such as acne and pimples. It is also very good for the kidneys.
  • Green Tea: Green tea is very purifying and rich in antioxidants, which is why it also has rejuvenating properties.
  • Dandelion: This purifier completely cleanses your liver, kidneys and blemished skin.

During the cleansing month, you can drink a different infusion every day or combine them, but you should drink three cups a day.

Drink medicinal infusions for impure skin

Daily cleansing of impure skin

Once you’ve planned your internal cleansing, it’s essential to know how to care for your skin externally. To do that, we recommend following the steps below every day:

  • Wash your face with cool water in the morning.
  • Apply a natural toner. This can be  rose water, witch hazel water or chamomile  .
  • Depending on the type, moisten your skin as soon as it starts to get dry. If you don’t have a good moisturizer, you can use vegetable oil: jojoba oil (for oily skin), coconut oil (for combination skin) or argan or almond oil (for dry skin).
  • Massage your face gently so that it absorbs the oil well. As a result, you will improve the natural regeneration of your skin.
  • Repeat the same steps before going to bed. If you have makeup on, remember to remove the makeup first and always use natural products.

Exfoliation and Nutrition

You should perform the following treatments once a week during your blemished skin cleansing month: peeling and applying a nourishing and cleansing mask.

Exfoliating is essential for helping to remove impurities. One of the simplest methods is to use salt or sugar mixed with aloe vera (or oil if you have very dry skin), which should gently massage your skin.

Then rinse your skin with warm water and apply a purifying and moisturizing mask made from green clay mixed with yogurt. Apply it and let it sit for about thirty minutes, until you see the clay getting dry.

Then remove this mask with warm water and apply your normal moisturizing cream.

You can do these treatments after your monthly cleansing schedule, but we recommend doing them every 10 to 15 days.

Photos courtesy of Danny O, bkajino, MyTudut and Wildbeauty.

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