Combat Stomach Acid With Homemade Remedies

Heartburn is very annoying. It causes pain in the chest area that can extend to the throat.
Fight stomach acid with homemade remedies

Heartburn seems to be an increasingly common problem today and can have several causes: stress, a poor diet or even nerves. Fighting stomach acid is therefore of great importance.

We should not just undergo heartburn ‘because everyone suffers from it’ and take no further action.

In this article we would therefore like to give you some home-made remedies to fight against heartburn.

Possible Causes of Heartburn

The medical term is pyrosis, but in general the condition is more commonly known as heartburn. It feels like something is burning in the esophagus, just below the sternum. Another symptom is also a sour or bitter taste in the mouth, a bit like the feeling you get before vomiting.

Heartburn can make it difficult to swallow drinks or food or cause pain when eating or drinking.

Heartburn is caused by a belch from the acid that is present in the stomach. The pain usually starts in the chest area and can then spread to the throat. About a third of the population has heartburn at least once a month. An overview of some possible causes:

  • Excessive consumption of certain nutrients or alcohol
  • A full stomach for a longer period
  • Skipping breakfast
  • Eating fatty or spicy meals regularly
  • Pregnancy
  • overweight
Fighting Heartburn and Getting to Know the Causes

To avoid heartburn in the future, we recommend avoiding irritating foods such as:

  • coffee
  • alcohol
  • sauces
  • spicy dishes
  • fried food  

Another important recommendation is not to go to sleep on a full stomach. Also, try elevating the head of your bed a bit, making it more difficult for the acids to move toward your throat and cause problems.

If you regularly suffer from heartburn, it is important that you consult a doctor. In that case, there may be stomach ulcers. However, if you only sporadically suffer from heartburn, you can combat heartburn with natural remedies or buy antacids in the pharmacy.

Foods That Fight Stomach Acid

You can fight heartburn by consuming the following nutrients:

  • Chewing gum:  this will increase the amount of saliva in your mouth, which can neutralize stomach acids
  • Ginger:  you can drink ginger as an infusion, so mixed with boiling water. This is a very effective remedy.
  • Mustard: just one tablespoon can relieve the symptoms. Do not combine it with other food, at most with a piece of toast.
  • Almonds:  Eat two or three almonds after your meal so the symptoms don’t appear.
  • Sodium bicarbonate:  dissolve one teaspoon in a glass of warm water. Drink it slowly so that the stomach acids can be neutralized.
  • Oatmeal:  Eat oatmeal for breakfast with a little milk or yogurt.
  • Potato:  Peel and press a potato. Then drink the squeezed juice with a spoon.
  • Banana:  you can eat a banana before or after a meal.
Fighting stomach acid with bananas
  • Apple cider vinegar:  dilute a teaspoon in a glass of water and sip the drink.
  • Cantaloupe:  this type of fruit can be very effective against heartburn.
  • Fennel: good for the digestive system and against heartburn.
  • Parsley: you can add fresh chopped parsley to your meals.
  • Papaya: aids in digestion and soothes discomfort, such as a burning sensation in your stomach.
  • Apples: This type of fruit is also very good for the digestive system.
  • Pineapple:  perfect to eat after a heavy and filling meal.
  • Cinnamon:  Drink cinnamon tea to soothe the burning sensation.

Fight heartburn with these natural remedies

If you want to help combat the burning sensation in your stomach after lunch or dinner, you can try some of the following natural remedies:

  • Make a juice with two lettuce leaves and four peeled carrots.  Put everything in a blender with a cup of water. Mix for five minutes. Filter the mixture and drink it on an empty stomach before breakfast.
  • Put  a stick of wormwood in a cup of water and boil it. Then cover the pan, let it steep and drink it for breakfast.
  • Boil a tablespoon of boldo tree leaves along with an artichoke leaf in a cup of water for five minutes. Let it soak a bit and then strain it. It is best to drink this juice every day for a month.
  • Boil 1 liter of water and add 15 grams of dried basil. After you have let it steep enough, you should drink three cups of this mixture a day, one after each meal.
Fighting stomach pain with basil
  • Mix 30 grams of sage with 30 grams of lemon verbena. Put 1 teaspoon of this mixture in a glass of warm water to make an infusion. Drink this after a meal.
  • Mix 1 egg with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and drink this at different times during the day.
  • Place some dates in a cup of boiling water and drink the resulting liquid.

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