Control Rosacea

Men with rosacea often have a distorted nose, also known as a cauliflower nose. Fortunately, there are natural treatments to reduce rosacea.
Keeping Rosacea Under Control

Today we are exposed to an endless stream of diseases, some more famous than others. Some diseases go unnoticed by outsiders. Others, such as Rosacea, for example, are impossible to hide. Most cases of rosacea affect the face of the patient. 

Aside from the specific ailments of this disease, of course, appearance has a major impact on a person’s self-confidence.

Ailments such as rosacea can therefore lead to lowered self-confidence, depression and – however bad – can even make it difficult to get a job that requires contact with other people. 

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a chronic skin disease in which the blood vessels become inflamed. As we have already mentioned, this generally affects the facial skin. In some cases, the eyes and other parts of the body may also be affected.

The disease causes redness of the face (mainly in the middle part), inflamed nodules, itching, a burning sensation and sometimes the appearance of small veins under the skin. The condition usually occurs in people between the ages of 30 and 50.

When the eyes are also affected , they can become inflamed or dry out or it can feel like something is in your eye. Since rosacea causes your skin to swell, it can also cause your nose to get a little bigger than normal. 

The deformation of the nose occurs mainly in men with rosacea and is also known as rhinophyma or a strawberry or cauliflower nose.

So far, no drug has been found that cures rosacea. However, there are methods that can help treat and control the disease. As with most diseases  , early diagnosis leads to better outcomes.

Medical treatments may include the application of a medicated ointment in mild cases, but oral medication is usually required in severe cases.

Natural Treatments for Rosacea

Remember that if you want to use a natural treatment, you should discuss it with your doctor first, to avoid it causing a harmful reaction in combination with the medication you are taking.

The natural methods we mention in this article can be used to reduce inflammation and also work against microbes. They make the blood vessels in the face less visible and prevent microorganisms from causing inflammation in the nodules.

  • Chamomile: Wash  your face with an infusion of a teaspoon of chamomile flowers and two glasses of water. Soaps with chamomile extract can also help.
  • Apple cider vinegar: Wash your face with a mixture of a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a glass of water.
  • Olive Oil:   Gently massage your face with olive oil, using your fingers in circular motions.
  • Cucumber: Place a few slices of cucumber on the affected areas and leave them there for five minutes continuously. Cucumber-based creams also work very well for some patients.
  • Oatmeal: oatmeal reduces itching and redness and also acts as an anti-inflammatory. Pour a little water into a glass and add two tablespoons of oatmeal to it. Then spread the mixture over the inflamed areas.
  • Tea tree oil Tea tree oil or tea tree oil is an excellent remedy and contains anti-inflammatory properties. Gently apply a few drops to your finger and then rub it in circles over your face.
  • Red Clover : Contains calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, thiamine, nicotinic acid and vitamin C. Make the clover into a tea and drink it twice a day.

Rosacea has frequent outbreaks, so it is better to avoid all factors that can trigger an outbreak.

Important factors

  • Direct contact with the sun
  • Intense sports
  • stress
  • Wind
  • Menopause
  • Extremely cold temperatures
  • Very warm baths

Food to Avoid

  • Spices
  • Whole grain
  • Old cheeses
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Spicy meals


Always use sunscreen when you go outside, always use cosmetic products for sensitive skin, always dry your skin with gentle patting movements and make sure to take vitamin B supplements.

Remember that food or certain situations can trigger a roseaca outbreak, so it’s best to avoid them to avoid experiencing frequent outbreaks.

Also, if you think your symptoms point to rosacea, see your doctor right away so you can prevent the condition from getting worse.

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