Crying Is Not Always A Sign Of Weakness

Unloading yourself and connecting with yourself does not have to mean that you are weak, but that you know where your limits are and what your skills are. Sometimes crying is a sign of strength.
Crying is not always a sign of weakness

Sometimes we get tired, reach our limits and just let go. Sometimes crying doesn’t mean you’re giving up at all, nor does it mean you’re weak.  There are also times when there is nothing for it but to give yourself the chance to discharge yourself because you are tired.

You are tired of always having to be strong. Because life is so demanding. And because the people around you are not always aware of how much you actually give. Without ever getting anything in return.

Don’t carry more than you can carry

Don’t carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. Try to wear only what is really essential to you. In addition, never forget that your heart also needs its own personal space.

Do this even when you really don’t feel the need to cry at all. Only the strongest people on earth allow themselves this.

You can’t be strong every day

Perhaps you were brought up to believe that you should just swallow your tears. That life is hard and crying is not good for anything. However, this idea can cause serious emotional problems over time.

  • Not crying sometimes indicates that you are not showing how you really feel. On the other hand, you hide behind the appearance that you are all right.
  • When you try to pretend that everything is fine with you, hiding your problems and feelings, at the end of the day you will find that you are hiding your emotions not only from the world around you, but also from yourself.
  • Hidden emotions are problems that are not faced. Since a problem is not great to be gone an emotion which itself eventually shows up in the form of headaches, migraines, fatigue, muscle tension, dizziness, digestive problems ...

Give yourself peace and space

You cannot be strong every day, nor can you hide your own discomfort and sadness for the rest of your life. This is neither healthy nor hygienic. You need to give yourself a moment every now and then to discharge yourself, with your tears serving as a stress reliever that can help you let go of nerves and emotions.

  • Sometimes crying is healing.
  • Tears are a form of release that represents the first step towards change. Crying involves taking control of your own emotions and letting them go voluntarily.
  • From crying comes peace. After you have cried for a while, you will be more relaxed and able to see things as they really are and make choices.

The need to be strong when life demands so much from us

No one but you knows exactly what it took to get to the point where you are now. No one knows what you’ve had to give up for others, the people you love.

And you did all this of your own free will, because you wanted to do it. Although you are fully aware of this, there are times when you feel as if life, or rather the people around you, do not appreciate you as much as you have shown them.

Sometimes you just have to allow crying

In a society where social and professional matters are not always easy, it is important to be strong. It’s not always easy to show your strengths to your parents, your siblings or your partner, who sometimes may give themselves more priority than you.

And in reality, some days you just get tired of being strong all the time, carrying all the burden on your shoulders.  In situations like this, crying is sometimes necessary.

It’s important to set boundaries so that life demands of you only what you can actually offer

No one can offer more than he has. It is almost impossible to offer happiness and warmth to the people you love if they do not pay attention to you or return you the same love, or the same affection.

The secret to this is balance. In order to be strong and to cope with whatever may come your way in life while achieving your goals (not forgetting the difficulties you face), it is important to stick to these limits. to hold.

  • Being strong primarily means being happy with yourself. Work on your own personal growth, enjoy your alone time, your hobbies. Love everyone who is by your side and especially yourself.
  • The strongest people out there are those who know how to love and who love themselves at the same time. And no, this doesn’t make you selfish at all.
  • Being strong also means learning to release yourself from the burden that makes it difficult for you to move forward. These things are harmful to your own well-being and can hurt you. We all know this can be very painful at times, but still you have to learn not to prioritize people who don’t care about you at all.
Letting go

Being strong means giving yourself the chance to be “weak” every now and then.

What does this mean?

  • You have the right to say you can’t do something and to let some things pass you by so that you don’t take on even more responsibilities than you already have.
  • You have the right to say ‘and now it’s enough’ and to indicate that you need rest.
  • You too have the right to ask for respect, to demand love, affection and recognition. The people who need something from you must learn to understand that you also need something from them.

follow your own way

And of course you are entitled to your own moments of personal catharsis. At times when you can go for a walk to think about yourself, to cry, to listen to your thoughts, to deal with your emotions, to make decisions and to move forward.

After all, this is exactly what life is all about. Follow your own path with as much inner balance and well-being as possible.

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