Curcuma Remedy To Treat Acne

Did you know that you can use a turmeric remedy to treat acne? Read on for more information.
Turmeric Remedy To Treat Acne

Turmeric has been valued for years for its medicinal and cosmetic uses. Although it is normally used as a culinary ingredient, many people also use it for its healing effects. Did you know that you can make a remedy from turmeric to treat acne? Today we tell you how.

Turmeric contains a biologically active compound called curcumin, which gives it its characteristic color and many of its properties. This substance is anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant. Therefore, it is useful to use both internally and externally.

So it is not surprising that its extracts are used in dermatology. While research into its properties continues, the turmeric acne treatment remedy that we are going to discuss today is already being used by many people. Try it too!

Why Use Turmeric Remedy To Treat Acne?

Why Use Turmeric Remedy To Treat Acne

Turmeric has shown antibacterial effects that may be helpful to manage dermatological conditions such as acne. We are going to explain to you how this works.

Turmeric has several and interesting benefits to treat acne. First, it is important to highlight the antibacterial properties that can fight microorganisms such as Cutibacterium acnes when combined with lauric acid. The effect is comparable to drugs such as erythromycin and clindamycin.

On the other hand, this amazing spice has anti-inflammatory effects that can positively affect dermatological problems. While we need more scientific evidence to prove its effect on acne, anecdotal evidence suggests it may be effective.

Turmeric and its antioxidants also have other important effects in acne treatment. Applying it topically to the skin restores tissue, minimizing the presence of scars. In addition, it stimulates collagen production and turmeric may reduce the risk of premature wrinkles.

Other benefits of turmeric for the skin

Unlike other more conventional treatments, using turmeric for acne also has other important effects on your skin health.

Thanks to the curcumin, vitamins and minerals it contains, it is very helpful for your skin health. In addition, turmeric also provides other benefits including:

  • Turmeric contributes to and increases the natural glow of your skin.
  • it promotes wound healing.
  • Turmeric May Help Cope With Psoriasis Flare
  • it helps treat scabies.
  • Turmeric minimizes oxidative stress and prevents premature aging.

A Cure Of Turmeric To Treat Acne

A Cure Of Turmeric To Treat Acne

In order to take full advantage of the properties of turmeric for the treatment of acne, we propose a remedy where we enhance its effect by using the components of coconut oil. This natural ingredient contains lauric acid, which is known for its antimicrobial effect and can be very useful for treating acne.

In addition, coconut oil has been extensively studied in dermatology as it moisturizes the skin and helps treat diseases such as psoriasis and eczema. Like turmeric, it even aids in the process of scarring and regeneration of the skin, minimizing the negative effects of free radicals.


  • 1 tablespoon ground turmeric (15 g)
  • 2 tablespoons organic coconut oil (30 g)
  • 1 tablespoon honey (15 g)


  • First, pour the ground turmeric into a clean bowl.
  • Then add the melted coconut oil and honey.
  • Finally, stir for a few minutes until you get a homogeneous mixture.

How should you use it?

  • Before applying the mask to areas of skin affected by acne, it is important that you remove all makeup and dirt from the skin.
  • Once your face is clean, you can start applying the mask.
  • Make sure to completely cover problem areas with the mixture.
  • Leave the mask on for 15 minutes and then rinse well with warm water.
  • Apply this mask to acne-affected skin at least 3 times a week.

Note: the results are not immediately visible. It is important to use this remedy of turmeric to treat acne consistently to achieve the desired results.


While this turmeric treatment can be very effective in getting rid of acne, you should always be aware that such a remedy can also cause side effects.

When applied to the skin, it may temporarily stain the skin or leave a light, yellow residue. This discoloration usually disappears with good cleaning.

However, sometimes the components can cause allergic reactions or contact dermatitis. A 2015 study found that curcumin is an allergen for some people. In these people, applying a turmeric remedy can cause irritation, redness, and swelling.

Because of the above, it is always best to do a small test before applying the mask to any areas with acne. All you have to do is apply a little turmeric to your forearm or any other area of ​​your skin. If there are no negative reactions after 24 hours, it is safe to use.


Turmeric can be a great ally in the fight against acne, especially when combined with coconut oil. However, you should test it on your skin first, as it can cause an allergic reaction in some people.

For people who do not have an allergic reaction to turmeric, it is a great option to support other conventional treatments to reduce acne.

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