Developments In The Treatment Of Osteoarthritis

According to recent research, within 5 years we will be able to slow down osteoarthritis and provide the patient with a better quality of life.
Developments in the treatment of osteoarthritis

Early diagnosis is necessary to gain control of osteoarthritis. All the progress we are making in this area is bringing us closer to a better quality of life.

According to a specialist from the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo in Madrid, within 5 to 10 years we will have the opportunity to slow down osteoarthritis. In this way we can also offer patients a better quality of life.

At present, it is nearly impossible to eradicate this chronic and debilitating disease. However, as science is constantly taking small steps forward, we remain hopeful.

It is now common to make a diagnosis when 30% of the joint is destroyed. However, if we can better anticipate the disease, the reality will be different.

The research results of the last few years have given good results. In this article we want to explain to you what can happen in a relatively short time.

Hands with osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis will be better controlled in a short time

Osteoarthritis affects 52% of women versus 29% of men. The first symptoms generally appear between the ages of 54 and 60 and follow this pattern:

  • Osteoarthritis is most common in the hands (70%)
  • Then in the feet (40%)
  • Other areas include the knees and hips (by about 10% and 3%)

The  World Health Organization (WHO)  reports that 28% of the world’s population suffers from osteoarthritis. It is estimated that 80% of the world’s population over 60 suffers from a problem associated with this disease.

As we can see, this problem has a high incidence. We all know a family member, friend or acquaintance who has this. In fact, we know that many of our readers carry this disease and suffer in silence.

Sore thumb from osteoarthritis

The key to this disease is early diagnosis

According to the Biomedical Research Institute ( INIBIC ) in La Coruña, Spain, within 5 to 10 years we will see osteoarthritis in a different light.

  • Slowing osteoarthritis will be possible thanks to early diagnosis.
  • A diagnosis kit for osteoarthritis is currently being  developed. The idea is that a simple blood test can detect the signs of the disease.

When we go to the doctor, seeking help, it is because we can no longer bear the pain. The pain in the hands is terrible. They tingle at night and gradually become disfigured.

When the disease has reached this stage, it is impossible to slow it down. That is why it is  so important that the first signs of the disease are recognized early. 

The proteomic study

According to the rheumatologist Francisco Blanco, Science Director of the INIBIC, we have discovered a lot in research on osteoarthritis.

  • Proteomics is the study of proteins. It is all about the combination of proteins of a genome (a complete genetic composition of an organism or cell).
  • Through proteomic research in the affected tissues  , scientists have been able to identify biomarkers. 
  • These markers make it possible to give an early diagnosis with a 96% chance of an accurate diagnosis.

With early diagnosis, we can slow down the disease. Scientists also estimate that between 5 and 10 years of age, very effective treatments will have been developed for this disease.

The prevention of osteoarthritis tends to follow a similar pattern. In this disease, certain substances are released that gradually destroy healthy tissue. If we can vaccinate against these substances, we can slow down the disease process.

blood test

The need to control osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a common rheumatic disease and can lead to disability. You cannot take this lightly and it is not a simple condition that only affects the elderly.

Some people associate osteoarthritis with older people. However, it is important to change this idea and face reality. It also often affects  active people who suffer from a disease that makes them disabled.

  • Osteoarthritis reduces quality of life and mobility.
  • We should also not forget the medical costs associated with this disease: operations, treatments, medicines, and so on. If we had invested more in research, we might have been able to control this disease better.
  • Experts estimate that the diagnosis process will improve within a few years. Factors such as obesity and participating in certain sports — as crazy as it may sound — increase your chances of developing osteoarthritis.
  • Certain genetic components combined with our lifestyle destroy healthy tissue over time.
Woman by the sea

Medical institutions are aware of the problem. It is very important that  we learn to control osteoarthritis in order to maintain the quality of life. Living with chronic pain and suffering is not life,  even if we get used to it.

We are waiting for more new information which we will share with you as soon as we receive it.

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