Did You Know That There Are Different Types Of Insomnia?

There are different types of insomnia. The type is determined by the time during the night when it occurs. You can discover everything about these forms of insomnia in this article!
Did you know that there are different types of insomnia?

Many people have difficulty falling asleep or continuing to sleep without interruption. Insomnia is a very common problem these days. We speak of different forms of insomnia based on the cause, duration or consequences. In this article we will talk about the most important forms of this sleep disorder.

what is insomnia

If we can’t sleep one night because we are worrying, that is quite normal. If you can’t fall asleep the night before a big event (a trip, a decision, a wedding, etc.), don’t worry.

However, it becomes a problem when inability to sleep becomes the rule rather than the exception.

A large part of the world’s population is affected by insomnia. It can occur when you go to sleep or early in the morning (you wake up and can’t go back to sleep).

There are different forms of insomnia. One way to classify this sleep disorder is by length of time.

  • Acute when it lasts less than one month.
  • Subacute if it lasts between four and six weeks.
  • We speak of chronic when the problem lasts longer than six months and is not resolved.

Insomnia has many causes. But it is mainly due to psychological changes such as stress, depression or anxiety.

In some people it is a result of a disturbance in the hormone balance. It may also be related to certain problems in the circadian rhythm (this determines when you sleep and when you are awake).

But we must realize that insomnia can also have other causes. Here are some of them:

  • The place where you sleep is in a bad state.
  • Irregular Sleeping Habits
  • Extensive meals
  • Use of stimulants (coffee, alcohol, drugs, etc.)

Some people suffer from insomnia after surgery. It can also occur when a person is weaning from alcohol. Other possible causes include PTSD or a side effect of certain medications.

Insomnia in men

We can prevent this problem from happening. In addition, we can prevent it from becoming a chronic disorder. Healthy habits will help you with this:

  • Do not use stimulants in the evening.
  • Eat a light evening meal.
  • Get exercise before nightfall.
  • Take into account how your bedroom is decorated. Reduce light and noise.
  • Have a routine in the hours of sleep and wakefulness.
  • Take a relaxing bath in the evening.
  • Do not watch television and do not use your smartphone in bed.
  • Avoid taking long naps during the day.

Sleep is essential for our body. Because it repairs and renews the body. It also regulates the body’s temperature and prepares it for the next day’s activities.

This means that insomnia can have many negative consequences. These are the most notable:

  • Difficulty concentrating or remembering something.
  • Tiredness, doubt, listlessness.
  • Accidents in traffic or at work.
  • Irritation, depression and a bad mood.
  • Disorientation and existential crisis.

The forms of insomnia are divided into three large groups : the form depends on the duration, intensity and moment of the onset of insomnia.

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Transient or acute

We speak of this type when the condition lasts a maximum of four weeks. For example, it can be a result of your sleep pattern, the times you work, or the geographic location (we know this as “jet lag”).

This kind of insomnia can also be caused by other things. Possible causes are stress, personal problems or excessive use of coffee or alcohol.

Short-term or sub-acute

In this case, the problem lasts between four and six weeks. This is more common in people who have been in a major accident or who have lost a loved one.

People with PTSD also often suffer from this type of insomnia.

Long term or chronic

In chronic insomnia, the problem lasts longer than three months. It can also persist until the person has the problem treated. In most cases, it is due to a chronic physical or mental condition.

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mild insomnia

Forms of insomnia

This is the most harmless ailment. That’s because it has no real negative impact on the quality of life of the person who suffers from it.

People wake up more tired the next day and don’t feel like going to work. But it poses no risk to their health.

Moderate insomnia

When insomnia starts to occur more often, the effects are more visible and more important.

Day by day it will become more apparent in the person’s behavior. You see it in several things: annoyance, fear and underperforming at work.

A bad mood in this case often occurs. People who suffer from this problem will also have difficulty remembering information.

severe form

The sleep disorder has a greater intensity here. Moreover, it is noticeable in the life of the person concerned.

They are unable to perform their daily tasks. The reason is that they don’t even have enough energy to get out of bed.

Their moods are also more erratic. To reverse the situation, you can take medication or certain supplements.

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Beginning or in the beginning

We notice that it is difficult for us to fall asleep. Another characteristic is that we have trouble sleeping through the morning.

The person does not find a good way to sleep (counting sheep, reading, meditation, relaxing music, and so on).

Often this type of insomnia is caused by anxiety or problems. As a result, it is not possible to allow your brain to relax sufficiently.

Enforcement or in the middle

Woman suffering from insomnia

In this case, the problem occurs in the early morning hours. You do manage to fall asleep, but you wake up early in the morning and you can’t go back to sleep.

You may also wake up several times during the night.

At the end

One speaks here of waking up in the early morning. In this case, the person wakes up before the alarm goes off.

This may be due to your room being insufficiently darkened. Then you open your eyes at the first rays of the sun. It can also be caused by a lot of worry because an important event is happening the next day.

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