Discover Kefir And Strengthen Your Defenses Naturally!

Drinking kefir regularly gives your health a huge boost. It contains active compounds such as polysaccharides, which, due to their antibacterial and restorative properties, are able to fight disease and infection.
Discover kefir and strengthen your defenses in a natural way!

Kefir has become very popular in recent years. Especially for people who are looking for natural means to keep their health optimal.

Kefir is a fermented drink. It restores the bacterial balance in the intestines. It also helps to keep the digestive system in top condition.

The great advantage of kefir is that even those with a lactose intolerance can enjoy this drink without any problems.

How come?

It is traditionally made with cow’s or goat’s milk. It is created by adding ‘kefir grains’ to milk.

However, we are increasingly seeing that lactose is responsible for infections and indigestion. That’s because lactose is made up entirely of animal sugars.

During the kefir making process, lactose is converted into lactic acid, which promotes proper digestion. This may sound surprising, but try it for yourself and see how quickly your health will improve.

The benefits of this probiotic drink

Discover the benefits of this probiotic drink in this article today. Several studies support most of the “tricks” about this drink. The journal Nutrition Authority published several results on this. Are you ready to discover this fermented drink?

But… what is kefir?

Fermented Drink

Kefir is fermented cow’s or goat’s milk. The sour taste arises during the conversion process of the animal sugars during the fermentation process. This reduces the amount of lactose, making the digestive process a lot easier.

The fermentation takes place under strict hygienic measures. The fermentation also produces yeast and bacteria that have a positive influence on the functioning of the intestines. A healthy, bacterial flora is created in the intestinal system, so that the immune system of the body also starts to function better.

Is this the same as yogurt?

Not quite:

  • Kefir always retains a bit of that bitter taste, while the higher amount of lactose makes yogurt less bitter.
  • Yogurt is thicker and creamier in substance, while kefir always retains a liquid form.
  • The fermentation process ensures that the nutritional elements of the milk are better preserved, while the lactose content, which is often responsible for the development of allergies, is reduced.
  • The many micro-organisms that kefir is rich in ensure a healthy intestinal flora even more than with yogurt and eliminate the harmful bacteria that are responsible for diseases such as gastroenteritis.

Discover the best source of probiotics you can find

Strong Bones

When you are advised to add more probiotics to your menu, you immediately think of the classic bowl of yogurt. However, remember that this drink is rich in the most powerful probiotics you can find. The Center for Cooperative Research in Biosciences in Spain published the following interesting facts about kefir:

Antibacterial and antifungal properties

Kefir works super efficiently if you want to fight against the stubborn bacteria such as:

  • salmonella,
  • Heliobacter Pylori
  • shigella
  • E. coli
  • Certain fungi such as candida albicans.

This is because kefir contains active polysaccharide compounds that fight microbes and infections and help heal many different types of infections.

Good for your immune system

Kefir protects the mucous layer on the intestinal wall from the ingress of foreign organisms. More than thirty different types of healthy bacteria and fungi in this drink help to keep your health and especially your digestive tract in optimal condition.

A super drink

As a result, this super drink is also able to reduce the symptoms of asthma and allergies. It contains less lactose than milk and also enzymes that ensure that lactose is broken down more easily. You can even prepare kefir that is completely lactose-free by adding the kefir grains to coconut water, fruit juice or another lactose-free drink.

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