Do You Know What Burgers Really Are?

Do you know what burgers really are?

There are many stories about the raw material that is used to prepare the so-called ‘fast food’. Several studies have been conducted to find out what this food is actually made of. Read this article to unravel the mystery and find out what the burgers in fast food chains really are.

Junk food increasingly present in our diet

Junk food, also known as fast food, has many negative effects on your body. If you take into account that many people in today’s society have a sedentary lifestyle, it is not illogical to think that there is something wrong with your diet and habits.

But beyond that, it is the food that is available is not the healthiest in many places.  In fact, the opposite is true. In many countries it is easier to score a hamburger than a salad.

If you only occasionally eat these foods as a treat, to celebrate or because you want to eat something different once a month, this is not a problem. The problem lies in the fact that many people eat fast food more than twice a week.

Hamburgers, as one example of fast food, contain a large amount of animal protein, additives, preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers, sugar, saturated fat, sodium and a lot of calories.

They also contain no fiber or vitamins. The ingredients in fast food are addictive, as intense as this sounds. This is evident from the fact that we have started to eat them more and more.

This is why once they have tasted fast food, children stop eating their vegetables or other healthy foods. Something similar happens in adults. People often opt for fast food when quick food is needed or because it is nice and easy.

If you eat these foods often, you will suffer from high cholesterol, bone problems (due to low calcium intake), heart disease, obesity, constipation, dental cavities, general decline in your health, heavy and slow digestion, your taste will change and there will be biochemical changes take place in the brain (as if it were a drug).

Reasons why you shouldn’t eat hamburgers at fast food chains

Do you want to be friendly to the environment in addition to eating healthier? Then you have twice as many reasons to stop eating the fast food meals at those well-known chains.

The chemicals this food contains (which can cause cancer and chronic disease) and the environmental impact of eating this food really speaks for itself.

A man eats a hamburger

Carbon hydroxide is one of the ingredients in hamburgers because it is able to kill bacteria. It has a pink color and consists of different types of meat waste. In other words, it is not edible.

A fast food meal contains a lot of additives that are bad for your health. In fact, there are so many that we can’t even list them all in this one article. This is one of the reasons fast food is so bad for you, aside from the amount of calories and fat it contains.

When the use of carbon hydroxide came to light in Chef Jamie Oliver’s cooking show, which showed how chicken nuggets or sausages are stuffed with the ‘pink slime’, attention was drawn to hamburgers.

The animals are not treated well

Fast food chains breeding animals in artificial conditions to make them as little as possible move. They fatten the animals as quickly as possible.  However, the method of slaughter is often slow and painful.

Chickens are overfed, they lay eggs in small cages and cows are also placed in small cages and are only fed maize or soya to fatten them up faster. Sometimes the condition of these cows is so bad that their stomachs have to be surgically removed.

A burger with fries

To meet the high demand for meat, companies are destroying large areas of forest and rainforest. Instead, these companies grow soy and use it to feed livestock. Thousands of eucalyptus trees are also cut down for the packaging of their burgers and French fries.

The feces of animals such as cows release methane gas, which is responsible for global warming. And as if that weren’t enough, the packaging is made of material that is not biodegradable. These cause a large amount of waste.

Female cows are injected with large amounts of antibiotics and hormones. On the other hand, fast food burgers consist of 50% water. They are also made of tendons, tongue, gums, snout, eyelids, tails, intestines and blood.

What do burgers and other fast foods contain?

People who work in fast food restaurants are best placed to tell everyone what the most popular meals actually contain. This was revealed during an investigation by the social media website Reddit. This site brought together many former employees to reveal the secrets behind junk food.

For example, they’ve found that the raw burgers delivered to the restaurant don’t look like meat at all, let alone what they look like in commercials. That’s why they add as much browning as they can and cover the meat with different sauces.

Eating unhealthy

Also, the employees say that although the cleaning rules are very strict in the restaurant, they use the same oil for frying all products. This is because they are short on time and need to complete the orders as quickly as possible.

According to an official statement from the most popular hamburger chain in the world, it states that no preservatives are used. Meanwhile , however, the products are full of ingredients whose names we can’t even read or write (trichloroethane, dieldrin, ethylbenzene, etc.).

This is why you can leave a burger outside for a long time without it going bad.

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