Drink Water Every Day To Improve Your Health

Drinking water every day helps to eliminate toxins and to cleanse the kidneys and prevent kidney stones. And while it may seem contradictory, it also helps prevent fluid retention.
Drinking water every day to improve your health

Drinking water every day, and then lots of it, should be one of your goals for the new year. Although everyone has heard this recommendation, many people still ignore the benefits of this good habit that can improve your health.

In this article, we share the benefits of drinking more water every day. It is a simple and economical way to improve your health.

Drink lots of water…but how much is enough?

Drinking a lot of water means that you drink at least one and a half liters of water every day. This is equivalent to about six to eight glasses. However, this amount is only an estimate. The amount of water your body needs is calculated based on the following factors:

  • Age, gender and weight.  One thing you can do is divide your total weight by seven. The result is the number of glasses of water you should drink per day. This means that a person who weighs 70 kg needs 10 glasses a day, or two liters.
  • Climate or time of year.  When the weather is hot, you should drink about two liters of water a day.
  • exercise.  When you sweat more, you naturally need to drink more water to balance the water and mineral content in your body.
  • Health issues.  For example, some people need to drink more water to prevent kidney stones.
  • Food.  Food also contains water. When it comes to hydration, eating soup and lettuce is not the same as eating meat and potatoes.

How can drinking water every day improve your health?

1. You will be less hungry

Pour a glass of water

Did you know that sometimes when you think you are hungry, you are actually thirsty?

Keeping this in mind can help you remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Especially if you are hungry between meals. This will help you snack less and avoid going hungry.

2. Your skin will be clearer and your wrinkles will decrease

Drinking water every day is the best way to keep your skin clear and prevent blackheads, pimples or acne. This habit will also prevent or delay the appearance of wrinkles, which is often related to a lack of hydration.

Water provides a hydrated, radiant and firm skin without the help of cosmetic products.

3. You will have more energy

Woman who is full of energy

Sometimes you don’t need stimulants like coffee and tea at all to boost your energy levels. In these cases, your lack of energy is caused by a lack of moisture.

If you drink more water, you will see that you will have the energy you need during the day.

4. Prevents Fluid Retention

Drinking water every day is one of the best ways to expel accumulated fluid from the body and reduce fluid retention and swelling in areas such as the legs, feet and abdomen.

This will also improve your kidney function and keep the water in your body more balanced.

5. Say goodbye to constipation

Woman who suffers from constipation

Sometimes constipation can be caused by a lack of water, especially for people who eat low-fiber foods.  If this is the case with you, you will find that going to the bathroom can be very difficult.

In these cases, it is essential that you drink more water to remedy the situation.

6. Prevents Kidney Stones

Doctors usually advise people with a family history of kidney stones or people who have had them in the past to drink more water.

It is the easiest and cheapest way to remove pre-existing kidney stones and prevent serious health problems.

7. Prevents High Blood Pressure

measure blood pressure

Water is related to blood pressure as it lowers sodium levels in the body. In this way, drinking water every day will help prevent high blood pressure naturally, without having to turn to drugs.

8. Promotes Weight Loss

As we mentioned above, staying hydrated throughout the day can reduce your cravings and help you stay full for longer.

In addition , this habit speeds up your metabolism, causing your body to burn more calories.

Finally, it improves the drainage of liquids and the digestion of fats. Therefore, drinking water every day is one of the best ways to lose weight without sacrificing too much.

9. Helps Eliminate Toxins

In general, drinking more water can also help your body get rid of toxins. In this way you can purify your body of substances that are harmful to your health.

Water provides a natural detox that helps you get rid of almost anything that could cause damage or illness.

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