Easily Speed Up Your Metabolism And Lose Weight

While it’s important to stay active to speed up your metabolism, it’s also essential to get enough rest at night, about eight hours, so that our biorhythms don’t get upset.
Speed ​​up your metabolism and lose weight easily

You’ve probably heard about speeding up your metabolism. But you may not know exactly what it is and how it works.

Metabolism or  metabolism  is a collection of physical and chemical processes in our body related to the use of energy. In addition, it also has to do with other functions such as digestion, respiration, temperature and circulation.

In this article, we’ll explain why speeding up your metabolism can help you lose weight more easily. Plus, we’ll take a look at how you can achieve this with simple, natural remedies.

Speed ​​up your metabolism and weight loss

Our basic metabolism is what regulates the burning of calories in our body. Therefore, if it doesn’t work properly, it can make us gain or lose weight faster.  That is independent of what we eat.

This explains the fact that some people gain weight despite eating very little. It is also the reason that others are slim, even when they eat large amounts.

The good news is that some natural remedies and advice can speed up your metabolism. They help to balance the metabolism without altering the rest of the body’s functions. This has consequences for our weight, temperature, digestion, etc.

These natural remedies and advice also help us to prevent metabolic diseases such as thyroid disease or diabetes.

How can you speed up your metabolism?

1. Drink water

Easily speed up your metabolism by drinking water

This simple habit is recommended by all doctors. We often find it very difficult to achieve this. But to speed up your metabolism it will be very helpful.

  • Drinking small sips of water repeatedly throughout the day will help maintain a stable metabolism in your body. You should do this from the moment you get up, on an empty stomach. You don’t stop until you go to bed.
  • Drinking enough water will also help you remove toxins from the body. In addition, it prevents the accumulation of liquids.

If you find it difficult to drink water, you can add a little lemon juice and a few drops of stevia. You can also alternate between hot and cold water depending on how you feel. Put the bottle of water next to you so you won’t forget it.

2. Avoid a sedentary lifestyle

The worst enemy of our metabolism is a sedentary lifestyle. Our body is in a continuous passive state. Working in the office and the hours we spend in front of the TV or computer have only made this situation worse.

  • Set yourself the goal of getting out of your chair for a few minutes every 30 to 40 minutes. Do some exercises, walk back and forth or just run an errand.
  • Although it may seem insignificant, it has overall positive effects. That goes for your metabolism as well as for your health in general.
  • We should also not forget to exercise two or three times a week with medium or high intensity.

3. Get a good night’s sleep

Get a good night's sleep

During the day we need to be active and keep moving. At night comes the time to lie down. We need adequate sleep of good quality.

Our body follows a number of biorhythms that are determined by the sunlight. So our rhythm should slow down when the sun goes down. Then it must be reactivated again at sunrise.

  • If you suffer from insomnia or if you wake up tired in the morning, you should do relaxation exercises or meditate. Schedule this activity at least an hour before you go to bed.
  • Try not to use any kind of electronic device. After all, these change the nervous system and make it more difficult to get a good night’s sleep.

4. Eat several times a day

Many nutritionists recommend eating smaller amounts several times a day. This recommendation is not necessarily for everyone. But people who suffer from a slow basic metabolism can certainly benefit from this advice.

  • Eat 5 to 6 meals a day, with nutritious and satiating foods. Make sure you don’t get overcrowded.
  • These foods, along with the water we should drink on an empty stomach, will keep our metabolism constant throughout the day.

5. Season your food with spices

Season your food with spices

Culinary spices are excellent natural activators that speed up your metabolism. They also have many other good qualities. We recommend eating the following herbs every day:

  • Cayenne pepper: one of the best remedies to stimulate the body. It promotes the production of gastric juices. In addition, it helps generate body heat and burn more calories. So it will speed up your metabolism.
    • You should start slowly eating cayenne pepper and gradually build it up. Otherwise, you run the risk of irritating the digestive tract. Start with a pinch and gradually build up the amount.
  • Ginger:  stimulant, diuretic and good for digestion. It is ideal for seasoning meat, fish and desserts. You can also use it in smoothies and lemonade.
  • Cinnamon: The most medicinal variety is Ceylon cinnamon. It is a stimulant and aphrodisiac. It is also good for digestion and improves circulation.

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