Easy And Economical Ways To Bleach Your Towels

When your white towels start to turn yellow after prolonged use, you can use these simple tricks to bleach your towels naturally.
Easy and economical ways to bleach your towels

Clothes and towels are very useful in the house, not only because we can use them to dry our bodies, but also because we can use them to wipe things clean.

However, over time, it is normal for these garments and towels to get dirty, even if you wash them regularly. Food stains, dead skin cells, and sweat and other grime make the towels and garments look unattractive, making us think about just throwing them away.

Nevertheless, we know that there are plenty of stain removers available today that can help make your clothes and towels look better again. This will allow you to use them longer and they will still look radiant.

While some of these stain removers contain chemicals and are quite pricey, there are cheaper, homemade alternatives that offer similar results.

With this article, we want to make you aware of some old cleaning secrets for bleaching your dishcloths with products you probably already have at home. Pay attention!

1. Sodium Silicate To Whiten Towels

Towels Bleach

Sodium silicate is a product often used in making washing powder and other cleaning products. In this case, we recommend mixing a little sodium silicate with some washing-up liquid. This will make your towels soft, white and clean.


  • 2 liters of water
  • 2 tablespoons dishwashing liquid (20 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon sodium silicate (10 grams)

How do you use sodium silicate?

  • . Then heat the two liters of water together the dishwashing liquid and the sodium silicate.
  • When the mixture has come to a boil, you can put your towels in it to soak. Let the towels boil for about twenty minutes to properly bleach them.
  • Then rinse your dishcloths with warm water and let them dry naturally.

2. White wine vinegar

White wine vinegar is a completely ecological product. In addition, white wine vinegar is not only able to clean and disinfect surfaces, but also to remove stains and soften fabrics.

It is an ideal product for cleaning towels as it ensures that the towels remain soft, absorbent and free from unpleasant odors and mould.


  • ½ cup vinegar (125 ml)
  • ¼ cup laundry detergent (62 ml)

How do you use white wine vinegar?

  • For each towel you want to bleach, put half a cup of white wine vinegar and a quarter cup of detergent in the detergent compartment of your washing machine.
  • Then wash your towels on a cold program. Let them dry naturally afterwards  .
  • With stubborn stains, it can help to first put a little white wine vinegar on the stain and let it soak in a bit.

3. Baking soda

baking soda

Baking soda is a great way to keep your towels soft and to get rid of the stains they contain.

This product has disinfectant and anti-fungal properties that can help to eliminate the bacteria that collect in the towels. Its properties can also help neutralize unpleasant odors and keep your towels looking clean.


  • ¼ cup baking soda (62 grams)
  • Hot water (as much as needed)

How do you use baking soda?

  • Heat as much water as you think is needed and add a quarter cup of baking soda for each towel you want to wash.
  • Soak the towels in this mixture for 60 minutes and then wash them in the washing machine as usual.
  • If there are really stubborn stains in your towels, you can try mixing a tablespoon of baking soda with a little lemon juice and rubbing this mixture directly over the stain.

4. Sunflower Oil

Yes, of course sunflower oil is greasy, which makes most of us think it will stain our clothes. In reality, however, you can mix sunflower oil very well with laundry detergent and bleach to ensure that your towels remain white and stain-free.


  • Water (as much as needed)
  • 2 tablespoons sunflower oil (30 grams)
  • 2 tablespoons bleaching powder (20 grams)
  • ½ tablespoon ecological detergent

How do you use sunflower oil?

  • Bring a large amount of water to the boil and add the sunflower oil, the bleaching powder and the detergent.
  • Then soak the towels you would like to bleach in this mixture for several hours.
  • Rinse the towels by hand afterwards or put them in the washing machine.

5. Ammonia and Vinegar

Washing machine

Putting a little ammonia or vinegar in the washing machine before washing your towels will leave your towels clean, soft and smelling wonderful.

You use ammonia to clean the towels and prevent detergent from sticking to the fibers. Vinegar can also help to disinfect the cloths and ensure that they become wonderfully soft and smell fresh.


  • ½ cup white wine vinegar (125 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon ammonia (10 ml)

How do you use ammonia and white wine vinegar?

  • Put the vinegar in the detergent compartment in your washing machine and then add the ammonia to this as well.
  • Remember to protect yourself from harsh chemicals by wearing gloves when handling these types of products.
  • Turn on the washing machine. When your washing machine has run a full cycle, you will see that your towels look sparkling clean.

Are you ready to give some of these cleaning tips a try? Choose the tip that appeals to you the most. This will save you from having to spend money on expensive stain removers that contain harsh chemicals. From now on, bleach your towels the smart way.

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