Exercises For Pregnancy

Exercises for pregnancy can help prevent and relieve back and hip pain. In addition, they can help prevent cramps and heavy legs.
Exercises for Pregnancy

During pregnancy, pain in the back, hips and legs is common due to the changes the body of the pregnant woman undergoes. In this regard, suitable exercises during pregnancy can help relieve and prevent pain. In this article we are going to introduce you to some of them.

Exercises for Pregnancy

Special exercises for pregnancy can help relieve and prevent back, hip and leg pain. However, these exercises have many more benefits. They can help pregnant women stay fit and relaxed and even prepare the body for childbirth.

In any case, it is a phase in which the pregnant woman has to take into account limitations and certain conditions. In this regard, pregnant women should not overdo these exercises. Also, they should avoid positions that press on the abdomen.

Although experts recommend exercise during pregnancy, it is always best to consult your doctor. In addition, keep in mind that independent training is not recommended in the following cases:

  • High-risk pregnancy.
  • Threat of miscarriage.
  • Low-lying placenta and other conditions.

The benefits of exercise during pregnancy

The main benefit of doing special exercises during pregnancy is that it improves muscle flexibility. Good muscle flexibility can be very beneficial during labour.

In addition, experts also strongly recommend certain exercises to counteract poor posture. In this sense, they help promote good posture and relieve or prevent pain.

These problems are magnified during pregnancy. As the center of gravity shifts, the back supports higher loads. This is the reason behind the typical pains that affect pregnant women.

So doing exercises during pregnancy can help alleviate these discomforts. In addition, they help to maintain a better sense of balance.

If the movements are done properly, which involves controlling your breathing and taking deep, slow breaths, doing exercises promotes general relaxation, benefiting both mother and baby.

6 exercises for during pregnancy

Stretching exercise the cat

A woman doing the cat stretching exercise

The first of the exercises for pregnancy is a stretching exercise. It will help relieve and prevent and relieve low back pain and sciatica.

  • First, get on your hands and knees, with your hands on the floor at shoulder height.
  • Then slowly push your back up.
  • Then pull your back down (hollow) with slow, conscious movements.
  • Finally, repeat this movement 5 times.

Pelvic tilt: the bridge

The bridge is one of the exercises for during pregnancy

This exercise helps relieve back and hip problems. In addition, this exercise is useful for strengthening the muscles that make up your pelvic floor. It is not wise to start this exercise only in the last trimester.

  • Lie on your back first
  • Then bend your knees and place the soles of your feet on the floor.
  • Then push your hips up so that your lower back and pelvic area rise.
  • Remember that all movements should be relaxed, aware and slow.
  • Then hold this position for a few seconds.
  • Repeat the movement 10 times.

Stand on your toes

A woman stands on her toes

This exercise helps prevent problems such as calf cramps or leg pain. These are complaints that often occur during pregnancy.

  • Go barefoot first.
  • Then slowly transfer your weight to your toes and extend your feet.
  • In the meantime, breathe in slowly.
  • Then, as you exhale, slowly lower down until your heels are completely back on the floor.
  • Repeat this exercise at least 5 times.

Stretching exercise for the leg

Woman practicing with a dynaband
  • First, lie on a firm surface such as the floor or your bed.
  • Then take a dynaband and let it run under one of your feet.
  • Using the band, lift your leg as high as possible. Make sure you don’t feel any discomfort or pressure on your abdomen.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds while breathing slowly.
  • Then repeat the exercise with the other leg and do 5 reps.

agility exercise

A woman stretching

With this exercise, as the pregnancy progresses, you will be less and less able to grip your foot or ankle. This is no problem. Just make sure you feel your muscles tighten and that your belly has enough room.

  • First, sit with your feet together and your knees out.
  • Then stretch out one of your legs.
  • Then bend your body towards the foot of the straight leg and hold this position for 10 seconds.
  • Remember that the movements should always be slow, careful and aware and you should control your breathing at all times.
  • Repeat the movement with the other leg. Do this 3 times.

Stretching the back

Back stretching is one of the exercises for during pregnancy
  • First, sit in a chair with your back straight.
  • Then grab the fingers of your hand with the other hand and lift them up slowly.
  • When your hands are towards the ceiling, push them up a little further so that your back stretches as much as possible.
  • In the meantime, always check your breathing. Breathe in and out slowly and deeply
  • If you like, you can also move your torso a little from side to side.

Precautions With These Exercises For Pregnancy

We would like to conclude this article with a small list of precautions to consider when exercising while pregnant. 

  • Consult your doctor before doing these pregnancy exercises, especially if you were physically inactive before pregnancy or if you have any problems.
  • If possible, it is best to do the exercises under the guidance of a coach or trainer.
  • Do the exercises once a day – you should make them part of your daily routine.
  • Always control your breathing, and inhale and exhale slowly and deeply.
  • Wear suitable (sports) clothing.
  • Hydration is essential, especially during pregnancy. Think extra about this before, during and after exercise.
  • Avoid very hard but also very soft surfaces – a non-slip mat is best.
  • Never press on your stomach and make sure that your stomach has enough space during the movements.
  • If you don’t feel well doing these exercises, stop immediately.
  • Combine these exercises with low-impact aerobic workouts such as walking, swimming, aqua jogging, and so on.

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