Fighting Stomach Infections With Homemade Remedies

Stomach inflammation can be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as flatulence and abdominal pain. Fortunately, there are home remedies that can help.
Fight stomach inflammation with homemade remedies

Stomach inflammation is a common problem, especially in women. It arises due to a bad combination of food, overeating, stress, digestive disorders, menstruation or constipation. 

This annoying problem makes your belly look more bloated. It can also be accompanied by other annoying symptoms such as flatulence and abdominal pain.

To prevent stomach infections, it is therefore very important to adjust your dietary habits. Therefore, avoid the foods that can cause irritation.

However, when you consider that stomach upset is unavoidable, there are some homemade remedies that can go a long way in reducing this problem.

Foods rich in antioxidants

Foods rich in antioxidants are key to fighting stomach inflammation and getting a flatter stomach. These types of foods provide many health benefits.

It is therefore very important to include them regularly in your diet. We recommend eating between two and four servings per day of antioxidant-rich foods. For example, think of cranberries, apples, onions, garlic, celery and so on.

Foods rich in fiber

Fiber-rich food against stomach inflammation

A good diet should include foods rich in fiber. They will help you improve digestion. They also provide other benefits, such as a flatter stomach.

If you suffer from stomach upset, increasing the consumption of foods rich in fiber can help combat it. These foods include: fruits and vegetables, whole grains, whole wheat flour and rice.


Cloves are especially recommended for when the stomach suffers from chronic inflammation. In these cases, we recommend drinking twenty drops in half a glass of water. Do this every morning on an empty stomach.

This remedy helps to combat flatulence, which tends to occur when you suffer from stomach inflammation.

lemon water

Lemon water for stomach inflammation

Lemon has alkaline properties that help neutralize stomach acid. As a result, many health problems can be prevented. If you suffer from stomach inflammation, we therefore recommend that  you drink a glass of warm lemon water every day on an empty stomach.


Cinnamon is a very popular spice worldwide, which has been used since ancient times to treat and prevent that annoying stomach infection. A cinnamon infusion can be ideal for combating abdominal pain. It could also improve digestion and reduce the annoying inflammation in this part of your body.

To make it, simply mix a teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a cup of water. Then let it stand for fifteen minutes. You can sweeten it afterwards with honey.

Other spices

Spices against stomach inflammation

Herbs such as fennel, cumin, and oregano are also recommended for fighting stomach inflammation and flatulence.

Fennel is an herb characterized by its antiseptic properties and is very useful in fighting diarrhea and gastric gas.

Cumin is a sedative and diuretic and is recommended for fighting fluid retention and inflammation.

Finally, oregano can improve digestion. It is a diuretic and can be good for your liver.

Infusions of medicinal plants

Herbal infusions or teas have also become very popular for their digestive and diuretic properties. They help you to cleanse your body and fight that annoying stomach infection.

Drinking two or three cups of such an infusion a day can already treat and prevent stomach inflammation.

It also helps with other related digestive problems. The best infusions for this are: chamomile, ginger, mint, spearmint, salvia, oregano or basil.

Reduce salt consumption

Reduced consumption of salt against stomach inflammation

While this is not a cure in and of itself, it is very important to keep this tip in mind. It is the key to fighting and preventing stomach inflammation. Excessive consumption of salt or sodium contributes to unpleasant bloating. It can cause fluid retention.

Juice to fight stomach inflammation

This potent juice is great for fighting those pesky stomach upsets because you mix diuretic and purifying foods together.

These foods  will help you prevent fluid retention. At the same time, they give digestion a boost.


  • 1 slice of pineapple
  • 1 tablespoon linseed
  • Juice of a lemon
  • 1 glass of pure water
  • A little honey

How are you?

Place all ingredients in a blender, then blend for a few minutes. Then drink this juice on an empty stomach, thirty minutes before eating breakfast.

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