Find Quick Relief From The Flu With Elderberry

Did you know that elderberries can provide quick relief from the flu? In this article we tell you everything you need to know.
Find quick relief from the flu with elderberry

The flu is a contagious disease that accelerates easily and affects a person’s respiratory system. Today we will find out how to speed up the relief of flu with elderberry, a very special plant.

In this article we explain how this plan can give you quick relief if you have flu symptoms. So you can choose this natural remedy the next time you are sick and feel better in no time.

Find quick relief from the flu with elderberry

Find quick relief from the flu with elderberry

To quickly relieve the flu with elderberry, you should first make a decoction of the berries of this plant. Several ingredients are needed that will ensure optimal results.

The flowers and fruits of the elderberry, as this article explains (Spanish link), are widely used in phytotherapy because of the beneficial properties they provide.

Although you can buy ready-made elderberry tea, it is best to prepare it yourself. Doing so will allow you to maximize the benefits of this plant when it comes to flu relief.


  • 1/2 cup elderberries
  • 1 piece of ginger
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 2 cups of water

Preparation of this infusion with elderberry

  • Heat water in a pan or teapot on the stove.
  • When the water starts to boil, add the ginger and elderberries.
  • Let it steep for 15 minutes.
  • Then strain it and then add honey and lemon juice.

Once you have prepared this infusion, you can use it to get quick relief from your symptoms. We will suggest several other ways to reduce the symptoms of flu with elderberry below.

Several options to find relief from the flu with elderberry

Using an elderberry compress when you have a fever

1. Drink the elderberry infusion

Drinking the infusion you made is the easiest way to help relieve the flu with elderberry. If you suffer from the symptoms of the flu, we recommend that you give it a try. Just take a look at the benefits that drinking this infusion at least twice a day can provide:

  • Cough relief: Since elderberry has antitussive properties, drinking this infusion reduces throat discomfort and reduces coughing attacks.
  • Helps reduce fever: Another property that this plant offers is that it makes the body sweat. Therefore, it helps in regulating body temperature.
  • Eliminates toxins: Finally, the elderberry plant ensures the elimination of toxins. Therefore, drinking it as an infusion is very effective in speeding up the recovery process, making you feel better quickly.

2. Fight the flu with an elderberry poultice to get quick relief

Another way to speed up recovery from the flu with elderberries is to make a poultice. As indicated in the article ‘Medicinal plants used in the treatment of skin conditions’ (Spanish link), using a poultice is very effective as it allows topical application of the fruits.

You only need to prepare the infusion that we have described above. In this case, you can add ginger if you like, but it’s not necessary. You can even add mint instead of ginger.

Once you have prepared your infusion, strain the mixture and place the elderberries and mint, for example, in a poultice. Make sure to cover them well and then place the compress on your chest or nose.

This will clear your nasal passages, reducing any discomfort you may be experiencing. You can do this three or four times a day, as there are no contraindications.

When should you go to the doctor?

If remedies do not help you should go to the doctor

If your symptoms don’t improve, your fever doesn’t go down, or the discomfort increases, it’s time to see a doctor. The medical professional will perform a series of tests to determine the best course of treatment for your particular case.

However, the natural remedies we suggest in today’s article are mostly effective and achieve positive results.

Have you ever used elderberries as a natural remedy? Or have you tried other natural remedies to relieve flu symptoms? We hope you put the above advice into practice. Let us know how it goes!

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