Five Health Problems That Can Cause Back Pain

Even though back pain may not be caused by anything serious, we should always pay attention to it and not underestimate it, especially if it lasts for more than a week. Here are five health problems that can cause back pain.
Five health problems that can cause back pain

Your body sometimes warns you about certain health problems by giving you back pain.  It occurs in specific areas where you may have health problems.

Because your body lets you know when something is wrong, you need to pay close attention to it. It is possible that your organs are not functioning properly: your joints, bones, muscles or other areas. In this article, we’ll look at some of the conditions and diseases that can cause back pain.

But what is meant by the back? We are referring to the area running from the bottom of the neck and shoulder to the waist. Its length is determined by the spine. This part of the body contains organs such as the lungs and kidneys.

Your back fulfills a very important function. It holds your body still or moves it as you determine. In addition, it ensures that your body maintains a stable center of gravity. Your back is also responsible for covering and protecting your spinal cord.

Things you should know about back pain


Back pain is one of the most common health problems. It can be chronic or intense. In other words, the pain can disappear within a week or it can last for more than three months.

Back pain sometimes goes away on its own, even if you don’t know what’s causing it. And if the cause is a major problem, it can often be treated. Treatments can range from cold and warm compresses to anti-inflammatory medications.

What health problems cause back pain?

In this article, we will discuss some of the issues that directly affect and can cause back pain.

1. Prostate Cancer

prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is one possible cause of back pain, as it can affect the fifth vertebra of the spine. It can cause lumbago or pain on the right side of the back. It can also cause a form of arthritis, which is the swelling of the sacroiliac joint, which is located at the end of the spine and at the top of the pelvic region.

2. Endometriosis

The pain of endometriosis can be quite severe. The pain is caused by uterine contractions. It can be caused by scarring caused by damage caused by endometriosis. If the damage is internal, you may have back or chest pain. You can relieve the pain with medicines and a warm bath to relax the back muscles.

3. Scoliosis


Scoliosis is a very obvious deviation of the spine to the side. Because of this, one of the symptoms is back pain. It can be an intense or nagging back pain.

4. Lumbago

Lumbago, or lumbago, causes back pain due to a swollen ligament or back muscle. It can also arise as a result of a microscopic tear in that area. It starts with a sudden movement, such as lifting a heavy object or stretching incorrectly. The pain may be brief, but so severe that it is impossible to move.

5. Osteoporosis


Osteoporosis can cause severe back pain due to ongoing fractures of the vertebra or spine. The disease can develop over the years without any symptoms. However, over time it can become very painful.

Take care of your body to avoid back pain!

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