Five Tips For Good Skin Cleansing

To properly cleanse your skin, you need to do more than just remove residual products with soap and water. Many people overlook this. However, it is also important that you apply a peeling and apply strengtheners and other basic care.
Five tips for a good cleaning of your skin

To properly cleanse your skin, it is not necessary to buy the most expensive products on the market. We do not deny that they can be very beneficial. However, there are other basic treatments that you can apply.

The skin accumulates residual products that are not always visible. Sweat, exposure to polluted environments, dust and many other factors can lead to imperfections.

Fortunately, there are affordable methods you can use. With these products you can cleanse the face without having to go to a spa or beauty salon. In this article we give you five tips. Add them to your beauty care.

Why is proper cleansing of your skin important?

Apart from the aesthetic aspects, a good cleaning of your skin is also important for your health. It is not always visible. However, residual products build up on the surface of your skin. In fact, this buildup of oil and dirt can lead to problems like acne.

On the other hand , these residual products also create an environment that enables the growth of bacteria. This can lead to infections.

In addition to the things we mention above, a good cleaning of your skin also has other positive effects:

  • Preventing premature signs of aging.
  • less oil production.
  • removal of dead skin cells and impurities.
  • tissue renewal and increased oxygenation.
  • more moisture and freshness of the skin.
  • smoother skin that looks younger.

Five tips for a good cleaning of your skin

It is very important that we mention that you do not need any special soap or specific products to properly cleanse your skin. These alternatives may be effective choices for removing residual products and impurities. However, they are not completely good for your skin.

That’s because many of these products contain chemicals. Those elements change the acidity of your skin and remove the natural oils. It is those oils that keep your tissue hydrated and elastic. So just use basic care and preferably natural products. That will be enough.

1. Use a gentle soap

Use a mild soap

The choice of soap depends on your skin type. For many years, studies have shown that using traditional soaps can affect skin health.

Their constituents allow them to alter the acidity of the skin. They remove the natural oils and healthy bacteria.

So it is best to use soft soaps. Preferably choose soap made from natural ingredients. Their composition is much gentler than perfumed soaps. In addition, they do not change the slightly acidic pH of the skin. Don’t forget to rinse the soap off with cold water.

2. Do a peel

Peels have become very popular in recent years. In fact, they are now an indispensable part of the beauty care of many people. The reason is that they help to clear the skin of impurities.

Thanks to their grainy texture, they help to remove those pesky residual products. This is not possible with soft soap. They also have an astringent effect. That means they reduce the excessive build-up of sebum. So they are perfect to fight acne and blackheads.

What do you do if you don’t have a commercial peel on hand? You can make your own peeling with natural ingredients:

  • Just mix a grainy ingredient like sugar or coffee grounds with a moisturizer like coconut oil or honey.
  • Once you have a thick paste, apply it to your skin in gentle circular motions. Then leave it on for three to five minutes.
  • Then rinse it off with cold water.

3. Use an oil-based facial cleanser

Use oil-based facial cleansers

Oil-based facial cleansers are perfect for skin and make-up removal. These cleansers offer many benefits for proper cleansing of the skin.

Thanks to their composition, they absorb residual products and also remove dead skin cells that build up on the surface of your skin. In addition, they do not alter the natural protection that oils provide, and the acidity.

Commercial makeup removers often contain oils. After all, they help to remove particles of makeup that get stuck in places like the eyes, cheeks and eyelashes.

If you prefer to cleanse your skin with natural oils, choose:

  • olive oil
  • sweet almond oil
  • coconut oil
  • grape seed oil
  • avocado oil
  • argan oil

4. Use micellar water for a good cleaning of your skin

Micellar water is a product designed for all skin types. It has become very popular in recent years. It contains, among other things, molecules that attract residual products and oil. In this way, it promotes its removal.

The most interesting aspect is that it can be an alternative to traditional stiffeners. If you use it regularly, it helps to close the pores and strengthen the tissues.

Another great feature of micellar water is that it does not dry out your skin. It also does not contain alcohol, parabens and other substances that can alter the skin.

5. Apply a face mask regularly

Apply a face mask regularly

In addition to the daily care, you should apply a face mask once a week. Face masks are yet another great way to properly cleanse your skin.

  • You can use both commercial and natural masks.
  • They facilitate the removal of dirt and sebum that clog the pores.
  • Another positive aspect is that they hydrate the tissues and help to correct imperfections.


You can thoroughly cleanse the skin with basic products that are available everywhere. The important thing is that you do it regularly. That way you prevent sebum, makeup or dirt from building up on the surface of your skin.

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