Foods That Protect Against Alzheimer’s

We still don’t know the cause of Alzheimer’s disease. So how do you counteract this brain damage? You can combat it with habit modification, mental exercise and a good diet.
Foods that protect against Alzheimer's

According to studies, Alzheimer’s is related to the appearance of senile plaques and the loss of the chemical that allows nerve cells to communicate.

There are certain foods that reduce cardiovascular problems. In other words, their natural components can counteract the appearance of the dreaded senile plaques. These are the types of foods that naturally protect against Alzheimer’s. 

It’s just about maintaining  good eating habits and a healthy diet. You can supplement this with living habits and exercises,  with which you train your brain, alertness and development as much as possible.

Foods that can protect against Alzheimer’s

1. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits against Alzheimer's


We can’t talk about  Alzheimer’s-fighting foods  without citrus fruits, such as lemons, grapefruits, oranges, and tangerines. These fruits contain nobelitin and tangeretin. Research shows that these help prevent harmful substances from building up in your brain. So they are great cleaners and protectors.

2. Curry

Curry powder contains turmeric


You can use this spice for various dishes. It contains turmeric, which has a number of medicinal qualities that may help prevent Alzheimer’s as it has an  anti-inflammatory effect and affects plaque that can be absorbed into the blood and thus pose a risk to the brain.

3. Wine

Red wine protects against Alzheimer's

Wine also has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help prevent the inflammation of brain tissue.  According to a study published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, drinking wine may reduce the risk of dementia or neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. We strongly recommend that you do not drink more than one glass of wine per day.

4. Vitamin D

Vitamin D



This is a special vitamin that you can get from sunlight and only a few foods. It helps your immune system fight beta-amyloid proteins; the cause of brain damage leading to Alzheimer’s. You can find vitamin D at pharmacies or health food stores, and it’s also found in fatty fish, soy, eggs, and even vitamin D-fortified cereals.

5. Coffee

Cup of coffee


Recent studies from the  Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease say that caffeine offers some protection against the onset of Alzheimer’s,  something not seen in other drinks. Coffee prevents the build-up of proteins that damage neurons in the brain and even slows down the disease in people who already have the first symptoms.

6. Vitamin B

Vitamin B


It is important for your health to get a good amount of vitamin B. This is necessary to take care of your bones, hair and teeth. It is also good against PMS.

Vitamin B causes a lower amount of homocysteine ​​in the blood. This can be harmful to your brain, as it can cause your brain cells to break down and lose their functionality. 

You can find this vitamin in all the foods you see above:  walnuts, whole grains, bananas, broccoli, pineapple, peppers, apples, eggs and soy. Don’t hesitate to add them to your diet.

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