Four Causes And Five Symptoms Of Liver Failure

In case of liver failure or failure, the problem is that the symptoms do not appear until it is severe. That is why you should consult a specialist as soon as possible. That way you can avoid bigger complications.
Four Causes and Five Symptoms of Liver Failure

Liver failure occurs when your liver loses its ability to work in a regular and proper way. It is a problem that is developing progressively. As a result, the liver is severely damaged.

But the development of this ailment does not happen suddenly or immediately. Instead, it develops over a period of months and years.

In general, there are two types of liver failure: the acute and the chronic form.

  • In the acute form, the functions of the liver are affected more quickly.
  • The problems in chronic liver failure occur much more slowly. They may have been around for a long time before you notice.

Most serious illnesses have multiple causes. The same goes for liver failure. In this article we give you an overview of the main causes. Take a good look at these and check whether you are at risk for this condition.

If you find that there is indeed a possibility that you are suffering from liver problems, consult your doctor to clear up any doubts.

These are the most common causes:

1. The presence of certain viruses

During the day we come into contact with a large amount of elements and toxins. They can damage our liver.

Some elements are viruses that we can catch from different sources. The viruses that cause the most damage to liver health are the simple herpes virus and hepatitis A, B, and E.

2. Overuse of Medication

The right medication at the right time undoubtedly provides our body with what it needs to be healthy. But taking more than the appropriate dose or taking medication you don’t need can lead to liver failure.

Here are some types of medication that you should be especially careful with:

  • Non steroidal anti-inflammatories
  • Anti epileptics
  • Antibiotics
  • Contraceptives

Many people increase the dose or take their medication more often than necessary. They do this because they feel that the drugs are not working as effectively as they would like.

Before making this decision, however, you should seek advice from your doctor. Check if you need to change anything. Because maybe it just has to do with the fact that you don’t notice a difference yourself.

3. Harmful food

Harmful foods such as mushrooms

We regularly eat certain foods that contain small amounts of toxins. That’s why it’s important that you pay close attention to which foods are making you feel bad. So try to ensure a balanced daily diet.

  • An example of one of the most common foods that contain small amounts of toxins is mushrooms.
  • If you eat this often and take medication or are a carrier of one of the aforementioned viruses, the risk of liver failure increases.

4. Too much alcohol consumption

The last cause of liver failure is the excessive use of alcohol. We already know that we should limit the use of alcohol as much as possible. But the reality is that we don’t always do that.

Someone who drinks alcohol several times a week undoubtedly puts pressure on their liver and increases the risk of liver failure.

  • It is best to never drink more than two glasses of alcohol per day.
  • If you have already done so or are planning to drink more, drink two glasses of water for every alcoholic drink you take.
Symptoms of liver failure

You now have an overview of the most common causes of liver insufficiency. Time to find out what the symptoms of this condition are.

It is important to realize that the symptoms only appear after the liver has already been significantly damaged.  Because in the early stages of this condition, it is usually difficult to diagnose.

These are the most common symptoms:

1. Skin color change

When you have liver failure, the color of your skin turns pale yellow. This is due to an excessive build-up of bilirubin in the skin.

Since the liver fails to process bilirubin, it builds up in the blood and in the pigment under the skin.

2. Abdominal Pain

Woman with abdominal pain due to liver failure

It doesn’t matter what caused the liver damage. But one of the most common symptoms is abdominal pain.

Usually this is a result of inflammation of the liver. The liver then becomes very sensitive.

3. Indigestion

When damage to the liver develops and the liver becomes severely damaged, this organ stops producing bile.  Bile plays an important role in the digestion process. This fact is important because stopping bile production has consequences for the body.

When bile is not produced correctly, foods are not digested as they should be and you suffer from indigestion.

4. A pale stool

A pale stool due to liver failure

Bile is therefore decisive for the digestive system. But it is also responsible for the brown color of the stool. That is the normal color when the body is working healthy and correctly.

But sometimes the stool is white or a very light color. Then you should have your liver checked to see if it is still working properly.

When the liver is struggling and the production of bile is limited, you can notice changes in the color of the stool.

5. Jaundice

Jaundice is a disease where there is no longer any doubt that your liver is not working properly.

When you have this condition, your skin color turns yellow. The whites of the eyes also acquire a yellowish color.

Once you know that you are suffering from liver failure, you need to get proper treatment. That way you will avoid complications. Treatment depends on the cause and the symptoms you are showing. But the most important thing is that you do exactly what the doctor advises.

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