Four Natural Remedies For Laryngitis

Laryngitis is characterized by causing hoarseness, sore throat and dry cough. It is normally caused by inflammation of the vocal cords or by infections. Can you fight it with natural remedies? Find out in this article.
Four Natural Remedies For Laryngitis

Natural remedies for laryngitis are therapeutic options that can serve as adjunct (secondary treatments) for the symptoms of this condition. Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx, vocal cords, or voice box, which are located in the front part of the throat.

It is caused by overuse of the throat, irritation or infection in the area. The main symptom is a distortion of the voice or hoarseness, but it can also cause difficulty swallowing, sore throat, dry cough and a dry feeling in the throat, among other discomforts.

In general, non-severe cases get better on their own within about a week. However, it is important to try some natural remedies that will help calm the symptoms. It is equally important to watch out for possible complications, as you may need to see a doctor.

4 Natural Remedies For Laryngitis

According to information from the Mayo Clinic (link in English), laryngitis can be acute if it is short-lived. However, it can also be a chronic problem if it lasts for a long time. In the latter case, you should see your doctor for other tests, as it may indicate an undiagnosed condition that requires more care.

Non-severe cases are usually caused by common viral infections or too much vocal exertion. However, some natural remedies can help you. If in doubt, talk to your doctor before trying them. Let’s take a look at four options.

1. Fresh garlic with honey

Four Natural Remedies For Laryngitis

Fresh garlic with honey is one of the natural remedies that you can use to fight laryngitis. While there is no evidence that this combination relieves laryngitis, there are individual studies showing its benefits against infections and irritation.

A review of studies published in Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine indicates that garlic has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, which may be helpful for respiratory infections.

At the same time, sources such as the Canadian Family Physician suggest that honey may help relieve coughs in children over one year of age, thus also relieving symptoms of laryngitis.

However, be careful not to give it to babies under 12 months of age, due to its low immunity to bacteria such as Clostridium botulinum, which can cause infant botulism.

How to prepare this remedy for laryngitis

You just need to crush a clove of garlic and mix it with a teaspoon of organic honey. You can take this remedy once or twice a day.

2. Gargle with salt water

A traditional remedy for throat problems such as laryngitis is gargling with salt water. According to popular literature, it is a useful mixture to reduce irritation. However, as indicated by the National Health Service (NHS), this is not a good option for children.

How to prepare this remedy for laryngitis

  • First add a teaspoon of salt (2 grams) to a glass of water and stir well.
  • Then gargle with it for two to three minutes. Don’t swallow it.
  • Repeat the remedy twice a day.

3. Inhale eucalyptus vapor

A simple remedy that can be helpful in relieving laryngitis and its symptoms is inhaling eucalyptus fumes. It’s even a remedy that can also help relieve flu and cold symptoms and sore throats, according to a review published in Flavor and Fragrance Journal.

How to prepare this remedy for laryngitis

  • All you need to do is add 10 drops of eucalyptus oil to boiling water.
  • Then pour the water into a large bowl, hold your head over it and cover it with a towel.
  • Inhale the steam for 5 minutes.
Steam above water with eucalyptus oil

4. Gargling with apple cider vinegar as a cure for laryngitis

Apple cider vinegar formulas have various uses in traditional medicine, although there is a lack of evidence to prove their safety and effectiveness. However, gargling is normally safe and can be beneficial thanks to apple cider vinegar’s antimicrobial properties.

How to prepare this remedy for laryngitis

  • First, put a tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water.
  • Then gargle with this mixture for two or three minutes and then spit it out.
  • Use this remedy twice a day until you feel better.

What else can help treat laryngitis?

In addition to the remedies we mentioned, there are other things you can do to relieve laryngitis. According to an article published in the National Center for Biotechnoligy Information, these could include:

  • Rest your voice and avoid overexertion.
  • Avoid irritating substances such as alcohol, tobacco and caffeine.
  • Ensure the intake of more fluids.
  • Avoid spicy and fatty foods.

Do not use antibiotics unless a doctor prescribes them. Self-medication can be harmful to your health. Finally, it is important to emphasize that any sign of complications should be treated by a professional. A doctor is the only one who can determine if other treatment options are needed. Remember this well!

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