Four Perfect Ideas To Furnish A Small Kitchen

If you have a small kitchen, it is very important that you learn to play with light and color. Because that way you can create a feeling of spaciousness.
Four perfect ideas for furnishing a small kitchen

They say the love for a home begins in the kitchen. That is why it is the most loved and valued room in the house, even if it is a small kitchen.

Everyone dreams of a large, spacious kitchen in which everything is organized and easily accessible, exactly where we want it.

The problem is that sometimes we have to be satisfied with a small kitchen that is not too spacious.

Small doesn’t have to be synonymous with messy, though. On the contrary, for a small space, the organization chart needs to be even more precise.

Do you have a small kitchen and no idea how to furnish it? Then we present you some of the best ideas here. Grab your chance and put it into practice.

1. In a small kitchen, design is key

Good design is key if you have a small kitchen but want to make it as spacious and organized as possible.

It is therefore important that you know how you will place the shelves and the furniture. Because that way you avoid making the space you have smaller and creating a feeling of claustrophobia.

The first thing to do is organize the kitchen according to the space you have. There are three ways you can do this.

In an L-shape

Many people think they can save space by using both sides of the kitchen. But that is usually not correct.

  • If your kitchen is very narrow, the best choice is to arrange the kitchen in the shape of an “L”. Because then you have an empty side where you can move easily.
  • If it is absolutely necessary that you use the empty side, it is best to hang shelves instead of placing furniture. This way you make sure that you don’t make it too full visually.
  • Remember that open spaces allow for more light and a sense of spaciousness.

Use one side of the room

This is a perfect idea if you have one room that is used for two purposes (living space-kitchen or kitchen-dining room). In some places this is called “American cuisine.”

So when one room is shared, the best thing you can do is to use the full length of the wall. Then try to place all the planks on one side.

There is a great trick for this. Use vertical planks. They give you the opportunity to place everything at once, from the cups to the cutlery.

In a U shape

This is one of the most commonly used kitchen designs. It is an ideal design for small kitchens that have a square shape. Because here everything has to be organized in a geometric way.

The great thing about U-shaped kitchens is that they allow you to have a pleasant workplace and at the same time have another space for cooking.

2. Use lighting to make a small kitchen bigger

If you’re lucky enough to have large windows in your kitchen, make the most of them.

  • You can hang white curtains from a thin fabric or you can use pastel or light colors. They provide a greater sense of space.
  • If you have no windows or if the windows are in a bad place, it is important to have a good artificial light source. Because that will help you to create a pleasant atmosphere.

So remember that good lighting helps to give the impression that a room is much more spacious.

We also recommend hanging long lamps from the ceiling. Another good idea is to place lighting under the shelves here and there. This will give a feeling of space and comfort.

3. Install shelving to make the most of space

Shelves are indispensable for keeping order in the kitchen. The material used is the key and determines whether you will have more or less space optically.

  • For small spaces, materials such as wood and steel are especially recommended. But glass is really the best choice.
  • Use it in the furniture, the shelves and the pots. Because glass doesn’t just let light through. It also reflects the light. This gives the impression that there is much more space and light.
  • On the other hand, it is also strongly recommended to use movable furniture and shelving. Make sure they have several compartments so that you can store different types of kitchen utensils.

You can place them in any corner. In addition, it provides you with extra workspace. You can never have too much work space in a small kitchen!

4. Play with colors

In small spaces, colors are very important. Because dark tones make the room smaller and reduce the light.

  • We recommend painting the walls, furniture, accessories and shelves white in very small kitchens. This will provide a neutral touch and create a lot of light.

White prevents the kitchen from looking busy and restless. It also makes everything seem more open. You can choose this color for the walls and then combine it with a cream color or with a slightly dark shade for the shelves. This is an excellent contrast.

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